If You Want To Build A Solid Millionaire Mindset, Read These 7 Books


Develop the needed mindset to create lasting financial success

Financial success is 80 percent psychology and 20 percent skill.


To build riches, you have to develop the appropriate millionaire mindset that will channel your thoughts towards the opportunities that will help you find the type of wealth that you’re really looking for. You also need to build a mindset that you can make more money than you think you can, and that you deserve to be in a better financial condition than you are currently in.

Everything begins from the mind.

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If you have a steadfast financial mindset from the start of your race, you’ve already doubled your chances of becoming financially successful.

Here are some of the books that can help with that.

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1. The Unfair Advantage by Ash Ali and Hasan Kubba

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This is a one of a kind book that will reset your mind if you read it without bias. Let’s say you started a business or you have a 9–5, it tries to make you take a look at absolutely everything that you have going for you.

That’s when you realize that even though you don’t have the same advantages as somebody else who you compare yourself with; you have your own set of advantages that you probably take for granted or even view as disadvantages.

This is what the author refers to as ‘unfair advantage’. Read this book to discover yours and how you can use them as your ally on your journey to riches.

2. Your Magic Power To Be Rich by Napoleon Hill

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I started my first business after reading this book.

It contains timeless personal success lessons from 3 of the most successful books written by Napoleon Hill (Think and grow rich, The Magic Ladder To success, and The Master-Key to Riches). In case you didn’t know, Hill is considered to be one of the greatest writers on success.

This is a must read for anybody who’s looking out to be successful at anything, especially in business. It’s like an ultimate all-in-one prosperity bible and it will set you well on the path to succeed on your journey to finding riches.

3. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth

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If you want to succeed at anything, you need to work hard persistently on it until you get your desired result. Same thing applies to making money.

If you want to work hard persistently regardless of the results, you’ll need a very powerful friend, and that friend is called Grit!

This is a must-read book for anyone striving to succeed at anything because the author breaks down the real meaning of grit and how you can harness it as a vital mindset tool on your journey to creating riches.

4. The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone

This is a straight to the point book. The author will push you to take ‘massive action’ in order to achieve your big goals. He argues that since achieving any type of goal requires a huge amount of effort, you might as well set big goals and if you want to achieve those big goals, you have to put in 10 times the work you initially expected to do.

With the 10X rule, you’ll get to remove luck and chance from your business equation, and lock in massive success. Read this book if you want to get inspired and motivated to achieve ‘massive results’.

5. Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

“Give me five minutes, and I can predict your financial future for the rest of your life!” says the author of this groundbreaking book.

He argues that financial success doesn’t come from our level of intelligence, education, skill, choice of jobs, investments or businesses, rather, it is as a result of our money and success blueprints that have been ingrained in our subconscious minds.

What does this mean?

Your financial success is determined by the quality of the mindset that is required to become rich.

In this book, you’ll learn how your current money mindset is holding you back and keeping you where you are right now, and how you can use his 17 wealth files to discover how rich people think and act differently.

If you want to increase your income and accumulate wealth with the right mindset, this book is definitely for you.

6. The Almanack Of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson

Naval is a guy I found on the streets of twitter. I stumbled across one of his power tweets and googled him instantly — and that’s when I found this masterpiece of a book.

Naval Ravikant is well-known for being an angel investor who put money into 200 companies including Uber, FourSquare, Twitter, Wish.com, and Yammer so his book will obviously teach you how to create wealth.

You’ll have to read this book more than once to fully absorb everything because it’s packed with a lot of mind-blowing ideas, myth busters and mindset shifts to help you accumulate wealth.

This book is a solid recommendation and was definitely the best finance book I read last year.

ReaD also: The famous $20 million mindset test

7. The Millionaire Fast Lane by MJ DeMarco

When you flip through the first few pages of some books, you get a feeling that your life is about to be changed — This is one of such books. I used to think Rich Dad Poor Dad was the go to book on finance until I read this one.

This book was an amazing read. I could easily rate it as one of the best finance books out there. Tell you what, this book will give you a different mindset about money. It will make you think smarter and probably change your direction and put you on the fast lane to creating wealth faster than any other finance book will.


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