🌻The 7 habits of the most energised people I know (LIFE CHANGING INSIGHTS)


A lot of people espouse the importance of time management.

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But I’ve always found this uninspiring and impossible to follow.


What I found over years of figuring this stuff out, was that managing one’s energy is way more powerful.

At least, focus on optimising your energy first — as foundational.

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If you can cut out the stuff that drains your energy and boost those things that do, your time-management tends to sort itself out. You become unstoppable.

Read also: 5 simple yet powerful ways to push yourself past your limit

These are the habits I’ve found connect many of the most energised people:

1. Spend a lot of time in physical motion.

How energised we feel is inextricably tied to how aligned we are to our natural behaviours.

Humans are not built to handle a modern, sedentary, ginormous ass-in-seat lifestyle. This is the main reason why everyone’s depressed these days.

Energised people do as our bare-chested ancestors did, and they keep moving. To be honest, I believe we’re all nomadic at heart.

Continually moving. Motion and exercise get the blood pumping and keep endorphins (happy chemicals) high.

You can’t ‘positive thinking’ your way to a good mood. You must dedicate a large chunk of your day to moving, even if it’s a walk.

2. Have simple routines.

The world can be a complicated environment, and complexity requires increased brain processing.

This inevitably uses up significant energy resources.

So, when we actively cut the unnecessary, reduce our options, and keep our lives and routines simple, we have less to focus on.

We can put more energy toward fewer things, which improves our performance in all areas, and we simply get better at life.

3. Reduce processed anything.

Processed food is bad for us and slowly makes us ill. There’s no processed alternative that’s any better.

It’s all shit. Cut it out.

The body despises manufactured stuffs like bread, alcohol, hotdogs and cake.

I’m sorry, but it’s like pouring strawberry jam into a car engine. It just doesn’t work together well.

It may feel good to slam down a couple of twinkies when you’re sad that Jason didn’t text you back.

But that’s because it’s full of chemicals that trick our brains into thinking we’re eating what’s right until we find ourselves pushing out sludge the following day while we thank the gods for another bowel movement.

4. Work for something greater than themselves.

When you’re younger, you want to throw yourself into experimenting with all kinds of stuff and prioritising earning a baseline income.

In this sense, you are selfish in your career choices, and that’s great.

Over time, however, you just try doing everything for yourself and you alone and watch your soul gently fade.

It is enlivening to have a purpose that goes beyond you, even if it’s for your future family (that doesn’t exist yet).

You needn’t do purposeful work for money either. It can be something you do on the side and gradually make more and more your main thing.

Just make steps in this direction and feel your colour return.

5. They care for themselves but aren’t attached.

Energised people care for their bodies, and they avoid filling themselves with junk that crashes their mood and makes them sad.

They also care for things like getting adequate rest and exercise. But there is a curious balance here, which high-energy people have mastered.

This is in maintaining physical care while remaining unattached to who they think they are at the psychological level.

Most of us are uptight and frightened because we work hard to protect our self-image.

Energised people are ok with not appearing perfect and think less about themselves.

This allows energy to rise up more effortlessly.

6. They reaffirm their priorities daily.

Those who conserve more energy make a point of reconfirming the things that matter most to them daily as a habit.

If we don’t, we end up being ‘yes people,’ dragged in nine directions at once, wondering why we’re so scattered and busy all day.

If we don’t exert our control on our priorities, the day will seize control of us, and this is inevitably draining.

Know what you want and reaffirm what is essential at every step. Say yes to what’s vital and no to everything else.

It’s a continual work in progress, but it will keep your energy optimised.

Read also: Daily challenges to improve your mental strength

7. They prioritise energy management.

To truly enjoy the highest energy levels, we must be intentional about doing what it takes.

Energy management isn’t an option — it’s a lifestyle.

We can draw up energy audits, which are lists that specify what things drain our energy and what things boost our energy.

We need to be discerning and do our own individual work here because many things apply to our own energy optimisation that doesn’t apply to others.

With this awareness, you will know what habits need dropping and what to do more of to boost your energy.

You also ask yourself: ‘What activities tend to bring me to life?’

Then, fill your life with more of that.

Energy management doesn’t need to be more complicated than this.

This is vital because who are you if you’re not thriving?


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