🌻7 Habits You Can Quit Today To Become Extremely Productive


Increase your productivity by 10x

I have always been a to-do list kind of a gal. I still am.


Now, I am realizing that we have definite time and it’s important to decide where you spend the most time and how.

There’s our to-do list and then, there are all the micro-habits we do and don’t often realize.

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The key is to take the unconscious and make it conscious. Without even noticing, we keep piling up the to-dos.

So I took some time out to systemically plan things and eliminate certain things that don’t add any value.

When I did this exercise I turned these micro-habits into a Not-to-do-list.

Try to quit these micro-habits to increase your productivity by 10x.

Read Also: 10 easy habits that make you feel amazing

1. Not checking phone every other minute

If you look at every day or every week or every month phone consumption.

On average people spend approximately 3–4 hours every day on the phone.

It’s counterproductive and can steal your precious time.

What you can do:

· While at work, avoid keeping your phone next to you.

· Use the lock feature for certain apps.

· Avoid checking the phone very first thing in the morning.

2. Limiting work meetings and email consumption

For me it turns out, I spend 5–6 hours in meetings every day and nearly similar time responding to 100s of emails that hit my email because some people really can turn email into a chat.

So now I am strategically planning how I am using my time to balance both without offending anyone.

What you can do:

· Check email at periodical intervals perhaps 2–3 times in the day

· Avoid reacting to emails immediately. Read the complete email and draft your response, and proofread a couple of times to avoid email chains.

· Read the agenda of your meetings and see if you can help just by sending an email or a chat message. This helped me to save so much time.

3. Stop binge watching TV

Who doesn’t love to catch up on the latest movies, and TV shows, especially the critically acclaimed ones, and everyone is watching and talking about?

It happened to me when Game of Thrones came out. Everyone around me spends weeks discussing the plot, presuming what is gonna come next, etc.

There are zillions of content out there and certainly not possible for you to consume everything and take a subscription to all the OTT platforms.

What you can do:

· Restrict yourself from watching more than 1 episode or a movie per day.

· Unsubscribe from different channels or subscriptions to avoid temptation. It can help you save bucks as well as time.

Read also: 7 small habits that can lead you to massive results

4. Not repeating the same pattern again and again

Humans are creatures of habit. No matter how much good you want to do.

It’s easy to get stuck and repeat the patterns. It’s normal and nothing is wrong with you.

If you want to make changes, you need to start with strong intentions.

It was very difficult for me to start with and I still go down the same rabbit hole.

What you can do:

· Audit your day every day and list down what you did good and what you can improve

· Next day focus on the improvement that you should focus on

· Control the controllable- the things that you can control.

5. Not asking a question that you can certainly google

It can be annoying to you and to a few people asking the hinges that you can certainly google and get the answers by yourself with just a simple online search.

The 5 seconds of research beforehand makes you look like a genius.

And if you need some information from someone instead of waiting for their response, why not go a little online search by yourself. It can really help you save time and make you look smarter.

What you can do:

· Control the controllable- the things that you can control.Type your question on google and read the first 2–3 pages that came out from your query.

· If your question is work-related, check out the central knowledge base before sending your question to your team.

6. Not spending time drooling over your weakness or mistakes

I am sensitive and emotional and I am okay with that. But if you are like me it can sometimes be difficult to let go of certain things.

And it has all the power to let your focus shift from your goals.

What you can do:

· Developing coping mechanisms. For me, listening to music, long walks, and meditation helps.

· Develop an outlet to release your emotions and feelings like writing, creating music, talking to family or friends, workout, dancing

Read also: 6 ways to motivate yourself daily

7. Stop consuming everything you receive

A few months back, I read Spark Joy by Marie Kondo and it helped me to declutter not only my surroundings but my mind as well.

It’s okay if you are not able to keep up with all the latest news, current affairs, or gossip.

What you can do:

· Unsubscribe from promotional events, emails, and any social platform that brings anxiety

· Reduce news consumption. following the causes that you care for rest is redundant.

· Donate the clothes, things that you haven’t used in the last 2 years.

What are you going to pick, share in comments.

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