Good Information about removing chewing gum from fabrics, hair, carpets and upholstery


Good Information about removing chewing gum from fabrics, hair, carpets and upholstery

On all fabrics:


Place the garment in the freezer for an hour; the chewing gum will then crack and can be picked off easily. Treat any remaining traces with methylated spirit or white spirit. If it cannot be put in the freezer, hold a plastic bag with a few ice cubes in it over the chewing gum to harden it, then pick it off.

Another method is to saturate the stain with a liquid stain.remover.

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Repeat if needed. Sponge with cold water.

Yet another method is to hold the back of the stained fabric over the steam from a kettle. The gum will become soft and can be pulled off easily by hand or with tweezers.

On all carpets:

Use one of the above methods.

On hair.

Rub a plastic bag with some ice cubes in it over the gum until it becomes hard and can be picked off easily.

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Another effective method is to rub the gum with some paintbrush cleaning solvent or peanut butter.

On vinyl upholstery:

Scrape as much as possible. Then rub with some lighter fuel or kerosene.


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