How To Make New Friends Of Both Sexes


How To Make New Friends Of Both Sexes

Don’t misunderstand. Your current friends are wonderful. What would you do without them? Who would you call when your water heater breaks down when it is least convenient? Who would commiserate with you when your heart has been broken by the same lover for the fourteenth time, and everyone else is sic of hearing about it?


Old friends share your history, your values, and, often a certain common outlook. They often echo your thoughts and feelings. But even so, there is something to be said for making new acquaintances – not to replace the old relationships, but to expand the “pool” of people you know. And who knows? Another great friend may be out there waiting to be discovered!

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Try finding new friends – both men and women – who are socially outgoing and who are likely to inspire you to great leaps of confidence. Look for people who remind you, by their very presence, that to have a good time you have to be a good time.

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Meeting new people can bring out some of the best parts of your personality. When you make new friends, you usually put on the polish, and that witty and charming person waiting within you to be released sees fit to make an appearance. Remember that commercial for Spaghetti source that issues the constant refrain, “it is in there”? Making new friends – outside of a romantic context – is a great way to remind yourself how attractive your “hidden” personality can be. It’s in there, make no mistake.


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