8 Empowering Mindset Books That Will Lead You To Success


Sometimes you need a quick inspiration to adjust your mindset. Here is the list of 8 mindset books which can do just that – change and adjust your mindset to focus on success.

You can read them in a day or two because most of them are little tiny books – Though all of them carry a very strong message. They are all like bombs packed in the tiny package of a box matches – no, they won’t harm you but they will blow your mind.


Some concepts of the books might even contradict each other. And such a selection was made on purpose: to see different aspects of success and then to find out what works best for you.

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  1. 1. Screw It, Let’s Do It
    If you feel you are sometimes overcautious and you have hard times to make quick decisions then that’s a book for you. The author is Sir Richard Branson, the CEO of Virgin Group also known as ‘Dr. Yes’. And this ‘Yes’ thing is the whole philosophy of the book: no matter how big the task is, how impossible it looks in the beginning just say ‘yes’ and go for it! Once you start doing it you will figure it out somehow.

We live in a society where being overcautious is regarded as a sign of wisdom. This book will teach you that trying to find reasons for doing things is much better way than trying to find reasons for not doing it.

  1. 2. The Lazy Way To Success: How to Do Nothing and Accomplish Everything
    The title of this book might mislead you that’s just one of the books promoting the hype. But that’s not the case. It is highly inspirational, very revolutionary book and definitely worth reading especially if you are a workaholic.
    The author Fred Gratzon, once long-haired hippie, describes his specific way of success. He actually managed to established two highly successful businesses (an ice-cream company and a telecommunication company with over 1100 employees and $400 million in annual sales). Both of them, he started from the stretch, with no money, no business experience but with a different logic.

The book describes:

that changing the paradigm is the most efficient way to success
the laziness: it is not about doing nothing but doing what you love to do
that hard work is not the only option.

  1. 3. Rhinoceros Success : the Secret to Charging Full Speed Toward Every Opportunity
    This book written by Scott Alexander is all about charging: charging at a full speed towards your goal. It is a complete opposite of the previously mentioned book The Lazy Way To Success. Read both of them and then find out what works best for you.

Rhinoceros Success highly promotes taking actions and being consistent. According to the author rhinos are synonyms for highly energetic entrepreneurs, while cows and sheep are mediocre folks who let the life just pass by.
After reading this book, you will feel like you are a big, thick-skinned rhino charging at full speed through all the obstacles on your way to success.

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  1. 4. The American Millionaires Have Spoken

The book was actually written by non-American author, Petra Skarja, a young entrepreneur from Slovenia (where on Earth is that?!? – okay, it’s a small country on the border with Italy – got it? – and it happened to be my country, too)

Again this is one of the books written in a light tone but with a strong message you can apply straight away: be entrepreneurial even if you haven’t got your own business yet!

Start applying entrepreneurial ideas in your daily life, think, breath and move like an entrepreneur and you are not far away from your first (or second, or third,…) business. Yes, you might fail a few times and that is the second good thing you will learn from the book: failing is part of succeeding.

  1. 5. The Science Of Getting Rich
    CAUTION: This is one of the books which can drastically change your life!

This all-time classic was written more than 100 years ago by Wallace D. Wattles but while reading it you think it was written just recently – the ideas there are so fresh!

This is one of the books which I have read in one go (with no eating and drinking in between) and I still read it regularly because I just can’t get it enough. No wonder it was the basis for the well-known book The Secret.

It will teach you that everything, every success starts with your mind and you taking actions. You change your mind and you change your destiny. So the question is how to change your mind…
Well, I won’t tell you… Because you just have to read it!

  1. 6. Don’t Eat the Marshmallow Yet!
    This book, written by Joachim de Posada is based on a simple experiment which was done on children: They were offered sweets and were told that if they wait some time they will get even more sweets. Some decided to go for it, some ate all their sweets straight away.

Years later, their lives were tracked down and the experiment showed… hmm, you know me, I won’t tell you that.
Take a book and find out what an interesting result came out of the experiment.

The book is all about self-control. It tells you what is the difference between success and failure and that small things can make a big difference.

  1. 7. The Richest Man In Babylon
    Another classic of the books on this list written by George Samuel Clason.

If you are struggling meeting ends of the month then that’s the books for you. It will teach you some essential secrets every successful entrepreneur follows, like:
keep your expenditures down even when you experience the boost in your business
make money work for you (not the other way around)
invest hardly in yourself and only then in your business
Read it and you will learn many more success principles.

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  1. 8. Delivering Happiness

Deliberately, I placed this book at the end of the list. Because at the end of the day, what we all strive for? Isn’t that happiness? We all want to be happy!

The book tells you just that. If we all want to be happy it is quite obvious that delivering happiness is the best business on Earth. Being focused on making your customers happy will make your business flourish as nothing else. It is all about giving massive value first and the money will come as a bypass product.

The book was written by business wizard Tony Hsieh, the founder and CEO of Zappos, a company well-known for its ever-evolving business system and constantly delivering happiness.

Read Also: The three roads of wealth (very instructive)

Bottom Line
NOW, TAKE ONE OF THESE BOOKS from the list in your hands and expect:

Changing your paradigm, expanding your mind, going through obstacles like a rhino, achieving success and yes, happiness!

Control By: Bo Nardin


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