24 Mission Statements For Becoming Great Mothers 2

24 Mission Statements For Becoming Great Mothers

To teach them to love God and pray to Him, and not just when they want to ask Him for something.


To teach them to love and respect their family and remember that allegiance to family members comes ahead of allegiance to any friends.

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To teach them patience and tolerance with other people’s faults and foibles.

To teach them to respect the value of friendship, and to always remember that to have a good friend, one must be a good friend.

To teach them the necessary skills for independent living, such as cooking and housekeeping, whether they are boys or girls.

To teach them that if a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing right.

To instill in them a love of learning.

READ ALSO: 24 mission statements for becoming great mothers Part 1

To help them become eager to try new things and new experiences rather than being nervous about or reluctant about the unexplored.

To instill in them a genuine desire to be helpful to others.

To teach them to deal straightforwardly in their relationships with others and not “play games.” 

To teach them to take pride in all they do and be proud of who and what they are as well.

To teach them to always try to improve themselves and correct their faults, yet not to be hard on themselves for their lack of perfection, since nobody is perfect.


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