🌻7 Mini Habits That Changed My Life(MUST READ)


During the course of 3 years, I changed a lot about myself. I lost 25 kilograms — That’s 55 lbs for the imperial system enthusiasts. I moved to a different country and started working for a huge company in Germany.

What helped me achieve those things was a combination of a change of mindset, having amazing mentors, and 8 mini habits I cultivated in those 3


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Use a 1.5-liter water bottle to drink three liters of water a day

Drinking 3 liters of water a day can do wonders for your health. The trick is to do it because it’s challenging to force yourself to drink 3 liters of water daily and keep refilling a tiny water bottle. What I did was get a 1.5-liter water bottle and fill it only twice a day. I take it everywhere and put it on my desk while working. I also use a simple rule:

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Engineer your environment for success

By having the water bottle in front of me at all times, I remember to sip some water once in a while without effort.

Planning an entire week’s worth of meals and going grocery shopping only once a week

Knowing what I’m going to eat every day of a specific week, writing a grocery list, and then going grocery shopping only once is a life changer, and here’s how:

It saves money

By knowing what I need to buy every week, I’m able not to fall prey to impulse shopping.

It helps you lose weight

I lost 55 lbs in a year by planning what to eat and when.

It saves a lot of time

Grocery shopping is time-consuming, so the less I did it, the more free time I had.

Meal prepping every week

My meal prep plan is straightforward: I don’t prep meals at all. Instead, I plan and prep ingredients. I learned this from my favorite food guru, Downshiftology — Highly recommended!

Doing dishes before bed

Nothing beats waking up to a clean, tidy sink! It’s a fantastic feeling. It feels like I’ve won the day even before it starts. On the opposite side, waking up and heading to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee just to be greeted with dirty dishes is a mood killer. I’ve also noticed that my productivity at work increases when I wake up to a clean sink.

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No phone notifications

This one is a lifesaver. We are all more or less addicted to our phones. Notifications limit your focus and pull you away multiple times a day, or an hour even, from the things that need your undivided attention.

I only have my alarm app and my call notifications allowed on my phone, and guess what? Nobody died yet.

Waking up 1 hour before work

No. This one is not about morning routines, I promise. This is more about feeling that you’re not rushed to work. I used to wake up at 8:30 for a remote job that started at 8:30. I hated my mornings back then, so I decided to change my circumstances. I made it my business to sleep 1 hour earlier to be able to wake up at 7:30 and enjoy an hour of doing nothing before work. My productivity increased, and my mood got better because of that.

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Starting the day with a micro-win

I start every day by making my bed. It’s such a small thing to do, and it barely takes time, but the benefits of this action have been substantial: I get a dose of feeling productive and on top of my game. It’s a micro-win anybody can achieve, and it really helps!

Building and maintaining these 7 habits isn’t difficult. Having them will substantially improve your life, one day at a time.


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