I Created A Financial Freedom Bucket List & You Should Too ( VERY INTERESTING)


Drinks are on me

Two weeks ago Covid finally got me. It was a pretty rough go.


I’m not going to say I thought I was going to die but… it was miserable.

I knew it wasn’t my time. I remember thinking to myself, “There’s still so much I haven’t done or accomplished!”

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I’m not talking about a bucket list. In fact, I don’t have one of those.

I’m a money nerd so I thought about the point of it all — the why behind getting good with money in the first place.

I created my “Financial Freedom Bucket List.” It was a nice break from my 20th movie…

Below is my FFBL (that’s what I’ll call it from now it), why it’s important to me, and why I recommend you make one. I’m hoping this will inspire you to do the same exercise.

But first, I realized there’s a lot I’ve accomplished already!

In 2018, I traveled to 3 countries in Europe for two weeks. I paid for it in cash and with credit card points.
I created 8 passive income streams. I’m most proud of publishing 3 books and making hundreds of YouTube videos to help people get good with money.
I created my own business. I have my own LLC. I always wanted my own business but didn’t know I could do it as a solo online-only entrepreneur.
My wife and I purchased our first home. It’s absolutely perfect for us.
I’ve saved 50% of my post-tax income for 3 years, hugely accelerating my finance journey.
I flew first-class for the first time on our way to our honeymoon last September.
I did all of that in just 4 years. It’s so much to be proud of. I changed my life financially and forever because I got resolved to get good with money and never looked back.

I hope and feel the best is yet to come. And not just financially — but in life.

It just so happens money can help afford some of life’s luxuries…

What’s left on my FFBL? What keeps me motivated and fired up to keep going?

Read also: The three roads of wealth

Two obvious items came to mind:

Have children and fund most of their education — I believe in having them have some skin in the game).
Pay off our mortgage. We initially wanted to do it in 20 years instead of 30 but we’re still evaluating if that timing makes the most sense.
Here are 10 less obvious and more personal items:

  1. Pay for a semester of books for my nieces and nephew if/when they go to college. It was something my brother did for me so I definitely want to pay it forward.
  2. Visit every MLB baseball stadium. I have 22 to go. There’s something so special and magical and nostalgic about going to a baseball stadium I love so much.
  3. Give a large amount of money to a charity of choice, somewhere in the $10,000 range. In addition, buy the top item at a charity auction.
  4. Make a large purchase with cash. I haven’t decided exactly what yet. A hot tub, a Tesla, a vacation home? All of the above?
  5. Buy a round of drinks for everybody at a large bar. Silly I know. Anything you want is on me! It sounds fun to be everybody’s best friend, at least for an hour.
  6. Take a mini-retirement or sabbatical. 90 days minimum. Maybe even live abroad during that time. Either way, I’ll plan it out and make it meaningful.
  7. Discover and go all-in on a new passion or hobby which is yet to be determined.
  8. Create a scholarship fund. I’m not sure how the logistics work but I would love to find a way to support someone in need financially for education. As an ex-teacher, education is very important to me.
  9. Achieve a net worth of one million dollars. Growing up, I never dreamed I would get anywhere near this. I’m sure most people want to accomplish this but I have no shame saying it out loud.

Plus, I probably need to get there and then some to do everything else on my FFBL. With inflation lately, maybe I should aim for $2 million…

“Become a millionaire not for the million dollars, but for what it will make of you to achieve it.” -Jim Rohn

  1. Retire early. This has been the main topic of my writing and research the last 2 years. My most recent book Save Half, Retire Fast is all about this. Early retirement equals freedom, flexibility, and time to do what I want, when I want, with whom I want to do it with.
  2. Read also: 5 easy ways to get 1%better every day

There you have it. That’s my FFBL. I’m sure it’ll change. I’ll add and subtract as life comes and goes.

Going through this exercise is a reminder of why I work so hard. This is what it’s all about. For me, the themes were family, education, travel, charity, creativity, and pride.

For you, that’s __? Fill in the blank. What are you working so hard for?

Share something on your list in the comments if you’re willing! What came to mind when you read the title or read through my list?

Best of luck creating your FFBL and knocking it out over time. Don’t forget to enjoy yourselves and one another.

Stay healthy. Stay happy.

And live rich.

CONTRIBUTED BY Frankie Calkins

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