8 Ways to become a Better Wife


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Recently, I polled other women on ways to be a better wife. While I can’t assume I have all the “successful wife” answers, I’m really loving what they said:

1. Always be respectful of your husband, especially in public.

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This doesn’t mean you have to be a Stepford Wife. It simply means wives should always seek to respect and honor their husbands in public (really, all the time). One of the biggest ways we can respect our husbands in public is if we have something we want to discuss that contradicts him, either pull him aside or share it with him later when alone.

Be proud of him, and don’t be afraid to brag on him to others. I know this may seem prideful, but I view it as encouraging him in his successes. When your husband knows you’re proud of him, he’ll feel like Superman.

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2. Tell your husband what you need.

You can’t expect your husband to be a mind reader. Maybe one of your parents or your best friends can tell what you’re thinking or knows the perfect gift for your birthday. But our husbands are still learning about who we are and what makes us tick.

If we’re upset with our husband or want him to do something, we need to learn how to simply talk about it. Passive aggression is one of the most common ways women fight. But it’s not going to get you what you want or help your husband understand you.

Help him out a little and just tell him what you’re thinking. It’ll save you both from a big fight and a lot of hurt feelings.

4. Take care of yourself.

A lot of times, as the wife, parental roles fall onto you in the early years. But that doesn’t mean you should completely forget to take care of yourself. Yes, there will be days you go without a shower, forget to eat, and live in your sweats. But all too soon that leads to burnout. And burnout isn’t healthy for anyone. Happy wife, happy life, right?

Don’t forget you were a person before you were “mom.” Remember who that person was, and if you had interests and hobbies before you became a mom, try to figure out ways to work them into your life. Invite your kids to join you, or spend some time during nap time doing things you’ve always loved to do. And if you can’t imagine having the energy to do anything except nap or sit on the couch during nap time, don’t lose heart, this season, too, shall pass.

5. Appreciate him.

I don’t know about you, but I hate cleaning. I would rather do almost anything over vacuuming, mopping, or scrubbing the toilets. So when I finally do these things, even though they’re a normal part of adulthood, it always feels good when my husband notices and thanks me.

In the same way, when your husband does something, even an expected task, going above and beyond in your appreciation makes him feel loved. And it’ll probably make him want to keep doing it.

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6. Forgive quickly.

We all get our feelings hurt at some point. It’s part of being in a relationship with just about anyone. But holding onto bitterness and unforgiveness hurts you more than anyone else. Ephesians 4:32 clearly commands us to forgive each other as God forgave us.

If your husband hurts your feelings, tell him—in love—how he hurt you. And once you’ve forgiven him, let it go. Don’t keep bringing up past hurts in a manipulative or controlling way. First Corinthians 13:5 states that love keeps no record of wrongs.

7. Trust the way he parents.

The way you and your husband parent will be different. Don’t micromanage him, and don’t reprimand his parenting in front of your children.

If you constantly tell him how he’s doing it wrong, eventually he’ll give up and let you do it all. And that doesn’t help anyone. Even if he feeds the kids pizza every single night, give him some space to dad his own way.

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8. Know when to be quiet.

When your husband is driving around lost, it’s probably not the right time to say, “I told you that you should’ve asked for directions.” Be wise and discerning. Know when to hold your tongue. As Proverbs 15:1 says, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Contributed By Jenn Grandlienard

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