🌻How to Transform Your Life in One Year


Success can happen faster than you think

Even though I’ve experienced this with writing — the power of practice — it still amazes me to see the results jump each time I try something new and keep at it.

What does this have to do with you?


Most of you are here because you want to _start _something — a project, a business, a new career, heck maybe a whole new life. I don’t know where you’re at in the process, but I want you to know this one thing I know for certain:

You have no idea how good you can get. You can get scary good. Even if you think you suck right now.

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Read also: 7 quick decisions that will save you 100+ hours every year

Does talent matter? Yes, to a degree. But you have to put things in context.

Only a few routes are truly ruled out for you based on talent, e.g., becoming a professional athlete. Most other routes can be followed successfully if you’re willing to put in the time.

I was watching some Youtube videos the other day on how to take good photos. Since I have a fancy camera to shoot videos for YouTube, I figured photography would be a good hobby to try since I have the camera and all. I came across a video from this guy who talked about how he banged his head against the wall for years learning photography.

He didn’t consider himself artistic or naturally talented whatsoever. He shared some of his screenshots in the video of his early photos — not good, trash. Then he shared his most recent photos — stunning, jaw-dropping. It just takes time.

Here’s a fun exercise for you: go look back at the very beginning of the career of someone you admire. Visit a Youtube channel and sort by “oldest” video. I did that on a bunch of channels.

Almost all the channels were anywhere from 3–10 years old. I’d see the first videos of YouTubers who currently have insane production quality now — shoddy videos, poor lighting, bad sound, often shot from a phone or webcam.

I’ve gone back into the archives of my favorite writer’s blogs — clunky prose, half-baked ideas, not nearly as polished. Hell, take a look at one of my first blog posts here and compare it to my writing now. 5 years of work. It takes time.

Writers send me emails all the time, “How did you learn how to write so well?”

They don’t really want to know the answer. And, also, they already know the answer.

You know the answer.

I practiced relentlessly for years. That’s it.

When it comes to any area of your life. Any ambition that doesn’t have something to do with being a professional athlete, Hollywood star, or some insane dream…can be achieved with work and relentless practice. 98% of all dreams can be fulfilled this way.

But it’s hard, right? You don’t necessarily look at yourself as someone who can put in the work for that amount of time.

You can. If you find the right fit, you can. I failed at almost everything in my life except for writing. Writing fit. Find your fit and it’s ten times easier to work on it.

Read also: This is how to reboot your life and start over

Once you find a fit and work on it for a long enough period of time, the old version of you, the lazy version of you, can totally disappear.

I’ve told you the stories of my laziness before. I’ve totally eradicated my laziness by finding things so interesting to work on that I simply can’t stop working on them.

You can become this way.

Take this month or so to contemplate, start working, experimenting, thinking, getting mentally ready to find your fit, and make a real commitment to practicing it.

Come a year from now….

You could have a totally different life.

Contributed by AYODEJI AWOSIKA

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