🌻21 Drop Dead Easy Habits to Make You Deviously Rich


Insanely simple habits to become richer than you can imagine.

Does 86,400 make you rich?


Well, it depends if it’s dollars, rupees, or whatever currency you have. But these are not currencies. These are the seconds that every person gets each day to do great things.

Read also: My top 5 lessons in personal finance

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What you do with time decides how you will lead your life.

Here are some tried-and-tested, insanely easy tips to save time and stay productive throughout the day:

Deep work — 4 hours of undistracted work every morning is a goldmine.

Limit distractions throughout the day. No social media, email, or toxic people while you do the work.
Show up daily regardless of how you feel.

Keep track of your time. Monitor the things that waste precious minutes. Screen time, chilling, gossip.

Built good workout habits.

Avoid doing things to please other people.

Follow a routine for your sleep and wake-up time.

Plan the night before to begin the day on the right track.

Take a day off to enjoy the beauty of the vista.

Make your workplace clean and distraction-free.

Fuel your body and mind with nutritious foods.

Don’t break focus. Master one thing before moving on to the next task.

Read also: The 5 habits of financially responsible people

Track everything: Sleep, workouts, money.

Everything worthwhile takes time. Delay gratification.

Begin every task with the same intention and vigorous intensity.

Make gratitude part of your life.

Always give back to people who show deep love towards you.

Hang out with ambitious and positive people.

Don’t be afraid to invest in yourself.

Always seek to network and mastermind with people who are more successful than you.

Cut your deadline by 50% and see how much you can achieve.

Contributed by Yousuf Rafi

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