🌻How To Defy the Odds, Achieve Your Goals and Succeed in Life(HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)


Making success happen

How to defy the odds and succeed in achieving goals


Success is not served on a platter to anyone, and things don’t align in your favor because you want them to. The more ambitious you are, and the bigger your goals, the more arduous the journey will be and the higher the odds of you getting there.

People who are highly passionate and motivated to win are the ones who succeed in defying the odds and tipping the scales in their favor. They achieve seemingly impossible goals and reach greater heights, exceeding their own and other people’s expectations.

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Here’s how you can join the league of these high-achievers and accomplish everything you want in life.

1. Cultivate a ‘won’t let it go’ mindset

Many people begin their journey to success with zeal and enthusiasm. However, at the first sign of difficulty or obstacle, they start looking for a bailout. And no points for guessing that right; they never succeed in accomplishing anything worthwhile or reaching too far in life.

On the other hand, those who feel for their goals and have fire in their belly develop a single-minded approach and stick with their goals till the end. Their deep connection with their goals becomes their greatest ally in pursuing success.

You just can’t beat the person who won’t give up.

— Babe Ruth

Your ability to commit to goals and develop a laser-sharp focus will always help you stay on track. When you want something hard enough and remain resolute in your pursuit, you won’t just throw away your chance and pack up midway.

You know your priorities too well and understand what your goals mean to you. The desire to reach where you aspire to be will push you to take consistent action and provide you the strength to carry on, despite heavy odds.

When you are not ready to give up on your dreams, you do everything in your power to forge ahead. With a single-minded dedication to your goals and having one overriding purpose, you are thus able to fight distractions and zoom in on what matters.

The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

— Thomas Edison

Not allowing yourself the choice to ‘give up’ leaves you with only one option: to channelize all your energy toward planning and preparing yourself for winning. You embrace the struggle, see it as an inevitable part of your journey and use it to become tougher and more determined.

Everything becomes attainable when you make up your mind to tap into your full potential, look for the positives in adverse situations, and turn adversity into opportunity. That’s when you tip the odds in your favor.

The fighting spirit and the will to hustle is the surefire way to excel and reach your destination.

2. Develop resilience

There are no guarantees when you set out to pursue your goals. Despite your best preparation and efforts, sometimes things don’t go as you visualize. You fall short and don’t make it.

Failure is hard for anyone to accept, and picking yourself up after you’ve fallen is even harder. Most people take failure personally and lose all faith in themselves. But that’s not the way to go. That’s not how champions are made.

A good half of the art of living is resilience.
— Alain de Botton

Everyone has their fair share of setbacks and disappointments. If you don’t succeed at first, that’s not reason enough to call it quits. Not getting what you want indicates that you need to level up, prepare better, and work harder. At no point failure means it’s ‘game over’ for you.

People who develop resilience have the ability to take failure in their stride. Rather than developing cold feet or allowing self-doubt to plague them, they continue to believe in themselves and draw on the power within to fight through hardships and challenges.

Mental toughness not only prepares you for the hits and shocks in life but also gives you the courage to overcome the challenges and continue your success journey.

There will always be obstacles and challenges. Building mental strength will help you develop resilience to those potential hazards so you can continue your journey to success.

— Amy Morin

When you’re clear that defeat is unacceptable to you, your whole perspective of looking at failure undergoes a shift. Every hurdle in your path looks like a temporary hold-up to you.

You are clear about what you want and won’t compromise or settle for anything less. Each time life knocks you down, you gather yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on your feet, ready to start again.

The spirit of resilience inspires you to bounce back even when you’re hardest hit. You learn to navigate the difficulties and find the way forward. For a resilient person, it’s not over till you get what you want, and this attitude helps them turn the odds in their favor.

Mental toughness also makes you more adaptable and solution-focused. You are willing to make changes, shift gears and learn new things to accomplish your goals.

3. Gamify your life

Life, they say, is how you see it and what you make of it. If you see things with the proper perspective, you can make them work for you and tip the odds in your favor. On the other hand, if you regard life as a battle where the world is up against you, you’ll only experience pain, suffering, and disappointments.

A great way to derive pleasure from your journey to success while giving your best is to gamify your life.

Just as in a game, you have goals to achieve, obstacles to cross, and milestones to reach. You can either choose to compete with yourself or be your own rival. This sense of competition will give you the requisite push to bring out the best in you and perform at your peak.

Gamification enables you to look at life objectively, enjoy the process of chasing goals, and teaches you not to the heart when you don’t win. After all, there’s always a next time.

Each time you fail to score, you know you have to improve yourself, better your planning, and refine your strategy. It’s ‘game on’ as long as you don’t throw in the proverbial towel. It teaches you a good sportsperson’s spirit and keeps the fire of motivation burning bright.

People who gamify their life don’t let failure get the best of them. Instead of feeling demoralized, they shift their mindset from negative to positive and see the hard knocks in a positive light. They look for the lessons learned, review their decisions and build on their mistakes. Hence they gain confidence and turn the tide with their sheer grit.

Gamifying your goals helps you keep a tab on the skills you need to master and motivates you to better your performance and make yourself worthy of success. Once you can ace a particular level, you raise the bar higher for yourself and go for bigger goals.

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In Conclusion

Everyone has the ability to dream, but few have the courage and strength to materialize their dreams, especially when the odds are against them. For most, as time wears on, their enthusiasm wanes, and so does their capacity to fight the tough times.

Highly successful people are not born differently; they wire themselves differently. When faced with challenges, they remain resolute even in the face of overwhelming odds.

They develop the ability to go on in pursuit of their goals despite the difficulties they face. They keep grinding and keep working. Every challenge they face firms their resolve to stay put and figure out the best solution to their problem. You too can learn to defy the odds and make success happen for you.

Originally published on drroopleen.com

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