🌻7 Signs You Are Finally Moving in the Right Direction


Read this if you feel lost

It is normal to feel lost. It is okay to doubt whether you are moving in the right direction. In fact, when you reach the crossroads and hit breaks to evaluate where you are going, it is when you find your way.


If you feel like you are lost, learn to read the signs showing you the path you are travelling is the right one.

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You embrace the unknown.

The unknown offers the most opportunities and growth.

The problem is that we often fear uncertainty and try to control every step of our journey.

We make plans and to-do lists, we expect how people should behave and want to predict every possible outcome. This way of living is extremely limiting.

The unknown carries potential. Control gives you an illusion.

Several things happen when you open up to the magic of the unknown. You become bolder. You connect with your intuition. You stop procrastinating and move toward your goals.

Of course, facing the unknown is uncomfortable. But if you are willing to carry through, despite the discomfort, you open yourself up to new experiences and the magic of the Universe.

You can never imagine what life has in store for you. But when you give life a chance to show it to you by opening your mind and heart to new possibilities, the results will astonish you.

The unknown allows you to take more risks, explore new opportunities, and rise to challenges outside your comfort zone to make the most out of life.

If you are willing to walk towards the unknown, you know you are on the right path.

Relationships fade.

Moving in the right direction implies growth.

As you develop new hobbies and interests, some relationships chip away. Relationships in our lives match vibrations to who we are at the moment in life.

If you feel lonely, you will attract people who make you feel even more alone.

If you are insecure, you will meet people who emphasize your insecurities.

When you feel good about yourself and the world, people will reflect your beliefs. They will treat you with kindness and respect because you cultivate self-love and self-respect inside you.

Relationships are the best teachers. Detachment from people in your life, it is a sign of your growth. The Universe lets you know it is time to align with the energy of somebody else who is a better fit for the new direction you are heading.

Being alone and healing is better than feeling miserable in an unhealthy environment.

Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.

— Steve Maraboli

Losing one relationship is the beginning of another one.

It doesn’t mean you should never speak to old friends again. You can send them love from afar. Think good about them. But realize that with the ‘new you’ come new relationships who are meant to serve the person you are becoming.

When you have outgrown people, you are heading in the right direction.

You make yourself a priority.

You have realized that there is nothing impressive about living life you do not like.

The society promotes succumbing to the wishes of others instead of following what our hearts desire.

This approach is the reason many of us feel lost. Yet, you have discovered that nourishing your intuition and doing what feels right to you is the key to lasting happiness.

You have learnt to release the expectations of others and found the courage to say ‘no’ to things and people that drain your energy.

You trust your soul’s path without comparing your journey to others, as your primary pursuit is living a life that feels good to you, even if this life does not please others.

In the past, you cared more about others than how you felt inside. Today, you are aware that if you want to thrive, you have to commit to installing new beliefs that make you feel good about who you are and what you want.

You have realized you are not here to satisfy your parents, partner, or colleagues.

You make choices that don’t align with society’s expectations. And those choices make you stronger than ever.

When you give yourself permission to follow what you feel passionate about, you no longer vibrate in the energy of lack. You make your decisions based on love and acceptance rather than fear.

Nothing will bring you more happiness and fulfilment than living your true purpose.

When you care more about how you feel versus what people expect of you, you know you are moving in the right direction.

Serendipities flow your way.

There are no coincidences in life. Every person, every event, and every opportunity matches your current vibrations.

Synchronicities are like road signs. They show the direction that allows you to take your life to the next level.

Suddenly, you find yourself at the right place and the right time.

You hear a song that reminds you of your power and makes you feel confident.

You meet an old friend who offers you precious advice.

These are not coincidences, but remainders that the Universe always has your back.

Don’t ignore those occurrences. These are the signs from the Universe nudging you in the right direction. People, song lyrics, books are all messengers.

The Universe will always remind you to slow down and appreciate what you miss out on. The back pain will signal you to take better care of yourself instead of bending over backwards to please others.

Pause and recognize these signs that help you move in the right direction.

Things are not working out.

There is a misconception that moving in the right direction always feels good.

Yet it is not always so. In fact, missed opportunities, failures, rejections often serve as redirection.

When plans fall through, we usually feel anxious and irritated. But what if the Universe has something better in mind?

We tend to be blind to how things should be that we close ourselves to what could be.

Yes, you will stumble. Yes, you will have moments when you feel like giving up. But persisting, despite challenging times, makes the difference.

In the past, you avoided failures and making a mistake. Today, you embrace mistakes as wisdom, expertise and a road sign carrying you in the right direction. You don’t see problems but hurdles to climb over.

Every failure in life is as meaningful as every success. They both serve a lesson. You no longer consider yourself a victim but a student of life. With that attitude, success is certain.

How can you possibly know the right turn if you haven’t made the wrong one?

Guidance from the Universe is not always a bed of roses. For the most part, it is a school of hard knocks. Breakthroughs are preceded by breakdowns.

If chaos is raging in your life right now, hang in there because after the rain comes the rainbow.

Tough times are just a phase of your life, not a destination. You are being prepared for something greater. You are heading in the right direction.

You are at peace.

Life is not about reaching a certain destination. There is no finish line. As there is no finish line, there is no point in the race.

Instead of rushing to get somewhere or get something, you recognize that here and now is the most important part of your journey.

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Emotions and actions of today determine your tomorrow.

You have realized that not everything in this world requires your reaction, and it is a powerful place to be.

You are no longer interested in stirring up drama and succumbing to the egoistic urges of your mind.

You go to great lengths to guarantee yourself peace of mind and cherish every moment, whether through meditation, mindfulness, decluttering your schedule, or making space for family time.

Your goals have shifted because you have discovered that life tastes better in slow motion.

When you prioritize your peace of mind over petty games, hatred or clinging to the past, you know you are moving in the right direction.

You find happiness in little things.

In the past, you thought you needed big things to make you happy, the car in the garage, the perfect relationship and constant admiration or winning the lottery.

Today, you know that little things bring long-term contentment. And you cherish those little moments of happiness.

The homemade pie. The morning coffee on the porch. Friends you can count on. The evening walk as the sun sets over the horizon.

You no longer live off the constant hype. You cherish small rays of sunshine and find the world to be enough.

When you get excited about things you used to take for granted, you know you are moving in the right direction.

You have discovered the greatest secret: life is not about suffering and complaining. Life is about celebrating every precious moment.

Contributed by Katarzyna Portka

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