🌻3 Surprising Weight Loss Truths The Fitness Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know


Brutally honest advice from eleven years of exercising.

The fitness industry talks a lot of shit.

The reason is simple. Fancy concepts like Electrical Muscle Stimulation and dubious fat-burning supplements make a ton of money. Sports nutrition alone is a $40 billion market.


But after more than a decade of lifting, dieting, muscle-building, and even competing on stage, I’ve realized most things are what the industry wants you to believe.

It just sells well, meaning someone else makes their wallet fat while you try to get slim.

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Even if you follow the popular recommendations to a T, your results will be mediocre at best — and soon, you’ll give up frustrated. You’ll ask yourself what you’re doing wrong because the love handles are still full and fluffy.

Let’s bust the myths and focus on what works.

This Revelation Blew My Mind When I Saw the Data Behind It

Diets suck.

Nobody likes to gnaw on overcooked chicken, rice, and broccoli three times a day. They have been around for hundreds of years — the first diet book came out in 1558. But science shows most make you lose your sanity rather than extra kilos.

Researchers analyzed 31 long-term studies — a fuckton of solid data.

The results? Over 50% of diets don’t work for a simple reason.

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They cause more Yoyo effects than a kid’s toys store.

“We concluded most of them would have been better off not going on the diet at all. Their weight would be pretty much the same, and their bodies would not suffer the wear and tear from losing weight and gaining it all back.”

Restrictive diets aren’t fun. You’ll stick to them as long as your initial motivation lasts, but at one point, your hunger will take over. You celebrate the lost kilos with a feast and quickly fall back into old patterns.

So what’s the alternative?

Sustainable changes.

Ask yourself, “if I had to eat like this until the day I die, could I do it?” You’ll have to shift slowly. If you’ve been on a junk food craze, doing home-cooked veggies every day is a bit of a stretch.

Change your habits. Reduce late-night snacking. Have a cheat meal every two weeks if it helps you stay sane.

But whatever you do, shoot for the long run.

Almost All Fat Loss Supplements Are a Waste of Money

People love pills.

The idea is tempting. All you have to do is swallow a little something, and you’ll feel better, sleep deeper, or get a harder erection. But while Viagra works like a charm, 99% of fat loss supplements don’t.

The research is clear — the only two non-prescription compounds without unhealthy side effects that aid your weight loss are caffeine and green tea extract, so forget about fat burners.

However, you can eat your way into weight loss — yep, you’ve read that right.

Digestion takes energy, which is called the thermic effect of food (TEF).

Your body spends energy to digest every calorie you consume. How much depends on the source.

  • Fat provides 9 calories per gram with a TEF of 0–3%
  • Carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram with a TEF of 5–10%
  • Protein provides 4 calories per gram with a TEF of 20–30%

A high-protein diet will help you reduce how many calories your body absorbs even though you eat the same total amount.

Good sources of protein include fish, red meat, lean chicken, beans, legumes, lentils, and a bunch of other goodies.

Replace some of the carbs and fats in your diet with protein — if you work out, shoot for about 2g/kg of body weight (1.5g/kg if you don’t.)

Ditch the weight loss supplements for weight loss foods.

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This Is The Only Shortcut To A Fit And Sexy Body That Exists

Every fitness guru tries to sell you the same thing — they just label it a hundred different ways.

They call it Intermittent Fasting, Starting Strength, Atkins Diet, or Ball-Busting-Burger-Ban — okay, I made that one up. No matter the name, the promise is always the same: a quick, simple way to lose weight and build muscle. Why?

Because humans love things that are quick and simple. We’re hardwired to conserve energy and avoid risks. It appeals to our caveman nature — but there’s one caveat.

Shortcuts don’t work.

A proper program or experienced dietitian can make things easier for you, but you will still have to do the work.

When people ask me how I look like I do, I always tell them the same:

“Train hard. Eat healthily. Sleep well. Repeat for five years.”

I don’t say this to discourage them but to be real. If you look for shortcuts, you will get disappointed. You’ll become another zero on some weight-loss guru’s bank account.

Instead of jumping on quick fixes, fall in love with the process. Learn the basics of nutrition. Find a fun workout program. Give yourself time to get into it. Your progress will be gradual but steady.

Save yourself the Yoyo effects.

Stop wasting money on useless supplements.

Doing the work is the shortcut.

Contributed by Moreno Zugaro

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