🌻10 Self-Improvement Books Everyone Should Read To Reach Success(CHECK THEM OUT)


Think And Grow Rich — By Napoleon Hill.

This is by far the #1 Book in terms of living a successful life. Napoleon Hill describes 13 steps to riches and success in anything you do in this book, and if you just follow, live by and breathe these 13 steps, success is guaranteed!


The 4 Hour Workweek — By Tim Ferris.

Instead of thinking about success as some long-term, decade long process, you could just do it within a year if you read this book by Tim Ferris, describing how to turn your 40+ hour week into a 4 hour week and probably make more money doing it while being able to work from anywhere in the world!

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Rich Dad Poor Dad — By Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.

This book is for those people who want to have money work for them. If you want to do your profession for fun and want to get paid by your business, then read this book and make money work for you!

Sell Or Be Sold — By Grant Cardone.

Grant Cardone describes the importance of selling in this book and why it is a requirement for you to learn. If you can sell then you can become successful doing almost anything!

The Power Of Now — By Eckhart Tolle.

Taking a different approach to success, which is not money based, we find Eckhart Tolle’s book on the top of the list. Learn about the power of the moment and feel successful where you currently are! Work from abundance, not scarcity! (This is the personal favorite book from many of my coaches, many successful people and myself for a reason!)

21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership — By John C. Maxwell.

Most entrepreneurs and businesses fail because the people in charge do not know how to lead effectively. This puts a huge strain on them and runs most companies into the ground. Avoid this by making these laws some that you abide by under any circumstances and you will avoid this problem altogether.

Psycho-Cybernetics — By Maxwell Maltz.

Another book focused on success from the personal aspect first, Maxwell Maltz describes how you can transform your self-image to be one filled with confidence, certainty and success no matter your situation. This book is the single best book if you seek to improve yourself!

100 Ways To Stay Motivated — By Grant Cardone.

Motivation kills a lot of dreams every day. Simply ask around to see how many people are still motivated to do their New Year’s Resolutions and you will see how easy it is to surrender on something important to you when you are not motivated anymore.

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The Chimp Paradox — By Steve Peters.

The Chimp Paradox discusses how you interact with the chimp inside of you, or that other person you always discuss what to do with. But instead of just analyzing what is going on, Steve Peters gives practical advice for you to deal with your other self, live with it and have it work with you rather than against you. When it comes to success, you are your own worst enemy. Turn that enemy into the greatest asset with the help of this book!

Unleash The Giant Within — By Tony Robbins.

If you have not heard of this book, or Tony Robbins, then you need to invest more time into Self-improvement first, before you read anything about success. But, if you do know about him, then this book will give you an insane foundation for success. The title explains everything else!

Contributed by Lukas Schwekendiek

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