What makes people successful, you may wonder? it can be said that they always need focus, personal discipline and the will to always make something great. One thing they have in common are good habits and daily rituals that they cultivate to improve their quality of life. Actually, old habits are hard to change, but if you learn and adapt to new habits they can positively improve your quality of life forever. Therefore, if you do an activity that is done repeatedly, then this habit if adopted will improve mental and physical health. Your overall feeling of well-being will increase substantially. In return, you can also enjoy a happier life, less stress and fewer health complications. Not a bad result isn’t it for such a small compromise? Here are the positive habits:

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Create a morning ritual.

Waking up early is not the only thing that can change a person’s life for the better. But it’s learning about setting a routine in the morning and doing the same on a regular basis. Having a to-do list first thing in the morning will keep you motivated and energized throughout the day. This will eliminate the delays that sometimes leave you feeling overwhelmed and not knowing what to do in the next step. In addition, a little morning exercise, meditation, yoga, reading a book and making a healthy breakfast can make you excited too. Establishing a meaningful morning ritual will help you start the day on a proactive note that has a very positive impact. After all, we are creatures of habit, why not do it regularly if it gives us pleasure?

2. Follow the 80/20 rule.

This principle suggests that in any situation, 20% of tasks produce 80% of results. Which means that out of all your to-do lists, the ones that create the greatest positive impact are the ones that deserve the most of your time and energy. If you focus on this 20%, you will maximize your productivity and have the freedom to focus on other activities from a similar to-do list. This will be effective in helping people who are easily distracted or rather overwhelmed by a large workload.

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3. Learn to single-task.

Although you may assume that because you live in a busy and bustling city, the art of multi-tasking comes naturally, but the fact is that only 2% of people in the world can do that well. There’s nothing wrong with multi-tasking once in a while, but if you do it continuously it will break your focus going forward. This can confuse you mentally by making it difficult for your brain to sift through relevant information so that you get used to jumping from one task to another without being able to focus properly on both. So, instead of doing many tasks at once, choose one task from your to-do list and focus and complete it quickly and precisely.

4. Appreciate more.

Have you been grateful for what you have so far? You may still drive a motorbike, bike, walk to work instead of driving the BMW you dreamed of, but are you grateful that you have the means to go to work? If you feel bad for complaining about the quality of your life right now, then remember that there must be someone out there who is going through it worse than you are right now and they can still be grateful for it all. Subconsciously practicing gratitude should be the motto. Tony Robbins said “when you are grateful, fear will disappear and abundance will appear”. Practicing gratitude is a great way to reduce stress, improve mental health and create other positive things in life.

5. Do a social media detox.

The digital world now dominates more than 90% of our planet, whenever there is something new it immediately becomes a trend on social media. Maybe you are catching up on someone’s journey or someone has just bought a new home, some of the information shared can have a positive or negative impact on you. No matter how positive it is, sometimes you can be so consumed by social media that you can lose touch with reality. Research says that the average person has 2–3 social media accounts and spends almost 2 hours every day checking their social media feeds. It has also been linked to an increase in cases of depression due to mental disorders. Social media detox seems to be the only reasonable remedy in such situations to reduce depression rates. Try turning off your smartphone or other device that you might be using for accessing social media for a few hours each day so you can improve your mood and reconnect with the world around you.

6. Exercise often.

A person should set aside at least 15–30 minutes in a day to exercise. Countless benefits come simply by exercising. In addition to physical improvement, regular exercise can pump creativity and improve your cognitive skills. Exercise also helps reduce the risk of developing some serious health problems, such as diabetes, obesity, cholesterol etc. Exercising doesn’t always have to involve lifting heavy equipment at the gym, it can also be fun activities, such as playing with pets, relaxing with friends or family, taking walks around the park, etc. Usually in the first month to create the habit of exercising it is indeed very hard and seems demanding, but if done consistently and fully committed to yourself, it will have a good impact in the long term for you, such as your social behavior will improve, your appetite is always normal, digestion become smoother, sleep more soundly, improve memory, etc.

7. Invest in self-care.

Sometimes we become so busy with our own work that we forget to take a break. It could be school, taking care of the family, running a business, etc. However, it’s good if you just have to sit back and relax. Taking time to relax can do wonders for your mood and mental health, as well as your self-esteem. At least it makes you feel good every day. It can also be combined with watching some vlogs, listening to music, learning new skills, even learning to cook for tonight’s side dish. Take a moment and have fun.

8. Read books.

There are great benefits to always stimulating our brains on a daily basis, although some are not immediately apparent, science proves that our brains change as we learn. Without training the brain, our performance will tend to slow down, become less responsive and more susceptible to disease over time. Reading books is a great way to gain knowledge and stimulate creativity. Just like meditation, reading a book can have a calming effect and can improve focus. Not all books have the same effect, for example non-fiction books are great for broadening your horizons by motivating you and helping to develop new ideas. It has been proven that people who continue to learn will have faster responses, better social skills, help fight dementia, improve memory skills, make it easier to process new information and make you more productive.

9. Create social connections with positive people.

Maybe most people prefer to enjoy alone time, but did you know that if you want to add more positive experiences to your life, then you need to have some strong social ties and community support. Social relationships not only give you pleasure, but also affect your long-term health. It is as important as nutrition, sleep and exercise. You should not be able to do bad habits in the name of socializing, because this will have a very bad impact on your future. The people you love and care about should be at the top of the list because they are the ones you can rely on when stress hits or life gets tougher to go through. It doesn’t matter what you’re working on or focused on in life, as long as you can set those priorities. The time set aside for the people you love should be cherished. In the end, if your time on earth is over, how will you be remembered?

Read also: 5 simple habbits for making your morning more productive

10. Practice minimalism.

Don’t worry, no need to pack up your things and live your life as it is. The point here is that you may have a lot of things and that can have a negative impact on your life. We usually have a habitual cycle of collecting, displaying, moving, cleaning and finally storing the item in the warehouse. When you get rid of things that are at least rarely used or needed, then you can get a simple, neat environment and life. Life is short and it can get busy with sensory overload. Imagine all the distractions of stuff, relationships, work, stress, and bills all at once. Minimalism declares your life to be having more space for the things that are important to make you happy. When you spend less on buying and replacing items, you can save more in return. A minimalist lifestyle can also make your home easier to clean, time is easier to manage and life is easier to live in the future.

By Practical Wisdom x E.H.

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