♦️10 Ways To Grow Your Money



There are many simple principles that can make all the difference between allowing your money to grow or staying broke. Here is a very simple and quick top ten list that if followed with discipline can make a huge difference in a person’s life. Simple but very difficult for most people to follow consistently over a long period of time of years and decades. Don’t let your current desires and wants to consume the capital that you need to build for the older you that will need it. 


Read also: The psychology behind a wealthy mindset (7 financial intelligence lessons)

1. Consistently buy things that go up in value.

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2. Work in a field that you are passionate about and enjoy.

3. Don’t look for a job, look for a career and a mission.

4. Invest as much money as you can when you are young so you have 40+ years to benefit from compound interest.

5. By an investor primarily and a consumer secondary.

6. Learn skills that can earn you a good income.

7. Stay in good health so you can create value that will earn you money.

8. Stay away from expensive bad habits.

9. Only be in relationships that create value in your life.

10. Make small financial mistakes and avoid ones that can ruin you.


Contributed By Steve Burns

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