♦️7 mistakes people with poor social skills make in conversations (without realizing it)



Being a successful conversationalist goes beyond just talking; it involves understanding conversation dynamics.


Poor social skills often result in missing these dynamics and making conversational mistakes.

The problem? They aren’t even aware they’re making these mistakes.

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Let me share with you 7 common conversational gaffes that people with poor social skills often make—without even realizing it:

1) Dominating the conversation

In the realm of social interaction, there’s a fine line between being engaging and dominating the conversation.

Individuals with poor social skills often cross this line without realizing it. They turn a two-way street into a one-way expressway, leaving their conversation partner stranded on the sidelines.

Part of the art of conversation is understanding when to talk and when to listen. It’s about striking a balance. But for those who struggle socially, they often monopolize the dialogue, bulldozing over the other person’s opportunity to speak.

The result? The other person feels unheard and unimportant, leading to a breakdown in communication.

The solution is simple yet challenging: listen more, talk less!

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2) Not picking up on social cues

This is a big one, and it’s a mistake I’ve made myself, more times than I’d like to admit.

I remember a time when I was at a networking event. I was talking to someone about a book I’d recently read. I was so engrossed in sharing my thoughts about the book that I failed to notice the glazed-over look in the other person’s eyes. They were politely nodding, but I later realized they weren’t interested in the topic at all.

Social cues are subtle signals that people send out during conversations. They can be verbal or non-verbal and can include things like body language, facial expressions, or tone of voice.

For those with poor social skills, these cues can be difficult to pick up on. This leads to situations where they may continue talking about a topic even when the other person has lost interest, or they may not realize when someone is uncomfortable or eager to change the subject.

Learning to read and respond to these cues is crucial in becoming a better conversationalist!

3) Interrupting constantly

Nobody likes to be interrupted, and yet, it’s a common conversational faux pas committed by those with poor social skills.

imbalance in the relationship. It can make the other person feel pressured to reciprocate by sharing their own personal details before they’re ready.

It’s about respecting boundaries and building trust gradually, rather than laying everything out on the table all at once.

7) Failing to show empathy

At the heart of every great conversation is empathy. It’s the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Yet, those with poor social skills often miss this critical component.

They may focus solely on their own thoughts and feelings, neglecting to consider the perspective of the other person. They may dismiss or disregard the other person’s experiences or emotions, making them feel unheard or unimportant.

Empathy is not just about listening, it’s about truly hearing – understanding the emotions behind the words. It’s about validating the other person’s feelings, even if you don’t necessarily agree with them.

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Final reflection: It’s a journey

Human interaction is a nuanced dance, offering opportunities to connect and grow.

Those with poor social skills may stumble, but with practice, they can improve; each conversation is a chance to listen, respond thoughtfully, and empathize more deeply.

The philosopher Socrates once said, “Speak so that I may see you.”

Our conversations reveal who we are—our thoughts, our feelings, our values. They are a mirror into our soul.

Next time you’re in a conversation, reflect on your approach: Are you making mistakes? Consider how you can improve!

Enhancing social skills is about learning to engage well with others in the dance of life—doing all this brings you one step closer to becoming a better conversationalist and, ultimately, a better human being.


Contributed By Ava Sinclair

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