🌼5 Things To Buy To Be Happier, According To Psychology



We often wonder if money can indeed buy happiness. While the age-old adage suggests otherwise, recent psychological research reveals that certain purchases can indeed contribute to our overall well-being. This article explores five scientifically backed ways to spend money that can lead to increased happiness.


1. Invest in Experiences

When it comes to spending money on happiness, experiences trump material possessions. Psychology suggests that the memories we create through experiences become integral to our personal narrative, contributing significantly to our long-term satisfaction.

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Unlike physical items that lose their luster over time, experiences continue to bring joy long after they’ve ended. This phenomenon is due to several factors:

Social connections: Experiences often involve other people, strengthening our relationships and social bonds.

Anticipation: The excitement leading up to an experience can be just as enjoyable as the event.

Uniqueness: Each experience is distinct, making it less prone to comparison with others’ possessions.

Personal growth: Experiences often challenge us and lead to personal development.

Consider allocating your budget towards:

Travel adventures

Concert tickets

Cooking classes

Outdoor activities

Cultural events

These experiences create lasting memories and stories to share, enhancing your happiness far beyond the moment of purchase.

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2. Prioritize Health and Wellness Products

Investing in your physical and mental well-being directly leads to increased happiness. Products that promote health and wellness can profoundly impact your overall quality of life.

Regular physical activity releases endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine—neurotransmitters associated with positive emotions. Similarly, tools that support mental health can help manage stress and improve emotional resilience.

Consider investing in:

Quality exercise equipment for home workouts

Fitness trackers to monitor your progress

Meditation apps or subscriptions

Ergonomic furniture to improve posture and comfort

Healthy meal planning services

You’re laying a solid foundation for long-term happiness and well-being by prioritizing your health.

3. Embrace Time-Saving Services

In our fast-paced world, time is an increasingly precious commodity. Psychological research introduces the concept of “time affluence”—the feeling of having enough time to pursue meaningful activities. Investing in services that save time can significantly boost your happiness by reducing stress and freeing up hours for activities you genuinely enjoy.

Consider these time-saving options:

Meal delivery services

House cleaning or laundry services

Virtual assistants for administrative tasks

Automated bill payments

Grocery delivery

Outsourcing tasks that consume your time and energy creates space for pursuits that bring joy and fulfillment. This shift allows you to focus on relationships, hobbies, and personal growth—all crucial elements of happiness.

4. Practice Prosocial Spending

One of the most counterintuitive findings in happiness research is that spending money on others often brings more joy than spending on oneself. This concept, prosocial spending, taps into our innate need for connection and purpose.

When we spend money to benefit others, we experience a sense of meaning and satisfaction that surpasses the fleeting pleasure of self-focused purchases. This phenomenon holds across cultures and income levels, suggesting a universal link between generosity and happiness.

Ways to engage in prosocial spending include:

Buying thoughtful gifts for friends and family

Donating to charities aligned with your values

Treating a friend to a meal or experience

Contributing to community projects or fundraisers

Sponsoring a child’s education or extracurricular activities

By directing your spending toward others, you enhance their lives and cultivate a deeper sense of purpose and connection in your own.

5. Invest in Education and Skill-Building

According to positive psychology, personal growth and lifelong learning are key components of happiness. Investing in education and skill-building opportunities can enhance one’s sense of self-efficacy and provide a continuous source of accomplishment and purpose.

The PERMA model of well-being, developed by psychologist Martin Seligman, highlights the importance of engagement and achievement in fostering happiness. By pursuing new knowledge and skills, you create opportunities for both.

Consider these educational investments:

Online courses in subjects that interest you

Professional development workshops

Language learning programs

Creative arts classes

Technical skill certifications

Learning new skills boosts your confidence and opens doors to new experiences and connections. The sense of progress and mastery that comes with acquiring new abilities can be a powerful source of ongoing happiness.

Case Study: Rick’s Happiness Transformation

Rick, a dedicated zookeeper, was stuck in a cycle of unfulfilling purchases. Despite his love for his career, he felt a persistent emptiness that shopping sprees couldn’t fill. His apartment was cluttered with barely-used gadgets and designer clothes, yet his happiness levels remained stagnant.

Determined to make a change, Rick researched the psychology of happiness and spending. Intrigued, he decided to experiment with his approach to purchases. He started by booking a wildlife photography workshop in Costa Rica, combining his animal passion with a new skill. The anticipation alone boosted his mood, and the experience left him with cherished memories and newfound friendships.

Encouraged by this success, Rick continued to shift his spending habits. He invested in a high-quality fitness tracker and joined a local hiking group, improving his physical health and social connections. He also began allocating some of his income to sponsor endangered species at his zoo, finding deep satisfaction in contributing to a cause he cared about.

Over time, Rick noticed a significant improvement in his overall well-being. His home became less cluttered as he focused on experiences and personal growth rather than accumulating things. By aligning his spending with his values and prioritizing his experiences, relationships, and personal development, Rick discovered a sense of fulfillment that had eluded him for years. His transformation inspired his colleagues, showing that thoughtful spending could indeed pave the way to greater happiness.

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Key Takeaways

Experiences provide more lasting happiness than material goods due to their impact on personal narrative and social connections.

Investing in health and wellness products can significantly enhance long-term happiness by promoting physical and mental well-being.

Time-saving services can increase happiness by reducing stress and creating more free time for enjoyable activities.

Prosocial spending, or spending money on others, often leads to greater happiness than spending on oneself.

Educational and skill-building opportunities contribute to happiness by fostering personal growth and self-efficacy.

The concept of “time affluence” suggests that having more free time contributes to greater well-being.

Regular physical activity is linked to releasing happiness hormones like serotonin and dopamine.

Experiences are less subject to hedonic adaptation compared to material possessions.

The PERMA model of positive psychology emphasizes the importance of engagement and achievement in fostering happiness.

Mindful spending aligned with psychological insights can significantly enhance overall well-being.

The key to spending on happiness lies not in the amount spent but in how spending aligns with personal values and supports a fulfilling lifestyle.


While money alone can’t guarantee happiness, thoughtful spending aligned with psychological insights can significantly enhance your well-being. By focusing on experiences, health, time affluence, generosity, and personal growth, you can make purchases that contribute to lasting happiness. Remember that the key lies not in the amount spent but in how your spending aligns with your values and supports a fulfilling lifestyle. As you consider future purchases, ask yourself how they might contribute to your relationships, personal development, and sense of purpose.


Contributed By Holly Burns

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