🔺12 Clear Signs You Will Be Successful (Or You Are Already)



You’re doing things successful people do


Appreciating how well you’re doing can be tough these days.

So many people are doing amazing things in the world, and the internet makes it super easy to sell this narrative – even when it’s false.

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If you spend your time looking at everyone else, you’ll feel bad about yourself.

Instead, you’ve got to look for signs of progress in your journey to keep yourself motivated.

Success is not as hard as people make out.

It’s simply a matter of doing what moves you closer to your objective most of the time.

The only issue is you’ll never know when you’ll be rewarded for your actions – you’ve just got to keep sowing seeds in good faith that one day, you’ll get the outcome you want.

This is hard when you don’t have clear signs it’s actually going to work.

That’s why, in this article, I will show you exactly what to look out for to help you keep faith on your journey to success.

1. You’ve made success a game, not a grind

“Life is a song – sing it. Life is a game – play it. Life is a challenge – meet it. Life is a dream – realize it. Life is a sacrifice – offer it. Life is love – enjoy it.”

— Sai Baba

The highest performers in the world don’t grind; they play games.

For example, when Warren Buffett was going from door to door selling chewing gum as a child, he wasn’t grinding to make money.

He was playing a game to determine which chewing gum sells best.

He was trying to increase his odds of being successful going forward.

If you want to be successful, you’ve got to play the game too.

Are you publishing content to go viral or to learn what resonates with your audience so you can produce more of it?

If the answer is the latter, there’s no doubt you’ll be successful.

The highest performers play games.

They have fun while practicing.

They live by the words of Daniel Coyle: “If it can be counted, you can turn it into a game.”

It’s about developing themselves into the person who naturally attracts the outcomes they want.

Some of the most successful companies even integrate this game mindset into their applications—just look at Snapchat, for example…

As you snap with your friends more often, you create streaks, which become incredibly hard to break psychologically.

The main gist is this:

If you see success as a game, you’ll probably be successful.

If you don’t stress about the outcome you produce and are more concerned about the feedback from your actions, you’re on the right track.

Read also: 8 habits of people who stay strong even when life gets tough 

2. You’re fully convinced you can succeed

“In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.”

— Nikos Kazantzakis

There’s a major difference between wanting and knowing.

Wanting, though better than needing, comes from a place of lack.

You’re acknowledging the absence of something, but you’re not desperate for it.

You don’t want something you already have – you just have it.

Knowing, on the other hand, is the possession of hope and faith.

You KNOW you have a bigger, brighter future, and you’re acting toward making it a reality.

This is why Florence Shinn once said, “Hope looks forward. Faith knows it has already received and acts accordingly.”

You’re not wishing on a star; you’re making progress.

The reason this is a clear sign you’ll be successful is because success is the transformation of oneself from one state to a desired state.

It’s about becoming the person who naturally receives the things you want.

Identity follows behavior.

As you act in accordance with the person you desire to be, you eventually become the person – it’s just a matter of time.

3. You’re not hiding what you want

“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.”

— Thomas Jefferson

It’s well known Warren Buffett made it his goal to become a millionaire by 30 years old.

John D Rockefeller also had a financial goal to earn $100,000 in his career, even though he made far more than that.

Elon Musk has said on numerous occasions that he wants to die on Mars – as long as it’s not by crashing into the planet when landing.

Bill Gates used to go around saying, “A computer on every desk in every home.”

Do you notice the pattern?

When you truly want something, you don’t hide it.

You don’t keep it a secret.

You openly share it.

Benjamin Hardy once said, “Harmonious passion is about living an integrated, rather than a compartmentalized, life.”

He was referring to the fact that individuals with harmonious passion seamlessly blend what they’re interested in with other aspects of their lives.

Rather than isolating their interests or work from their personal lives, they achieve a balanced integration, which leads to greater overall satisfaction and well-being.

When you hide what you want, it’s usually because you’re compartmentalizing.

This is when different parts of life are kept separate.

Compartmentalizing is dangerous because it can lead to conflict within oneself and stress.

Beyond that, being honest about what you intend to be is a positive sign you’re willing to ask for help – a major key to becoming successful.

When people know what you want, it’s easier for them to support you to get it.

Most people are too proud to ask for help.

They care too much about what others think of them.

But here’s the catch: they’re usually the ones who need it the most.

If you’re honest about what you want, it’s a good sign you’ll get it – it shows you’re willing to ask for help.

4. You’ve created a crystal clear vision that provokes you

“It doesn’t matter what your vision is. It matters what your vision does.”

— Peter Senge

Regardless of whether a vision is for good or bad, if it’s clear and compelling, it will provoke everything about you.

Take it from me; I’ve been in a cult before…

One reason cults are effective at attracting and maintaining followers is that the leader often has a compelling vision that provides a clear sense of purpose, direction, and meaning.

In fact, the vision of the cult I was in was so clear I passed up an opportunity to fulfill my dream of becoming a professional footballer by refusing to return to a pro club that admired me deeply.

Eventually, I quit football altogether.

What does your vision do?

If it:

Shapes your environment

Dictates your relationships

Adjusts your behavior

Influences your decisions


Then, your vision is working.

Your vision is supposed to cause changes in you for you to realize it.

It’s supposed to make you focus on execution and transformation.

If you’re doing these things, there’s a good chance you’ll be successful.

5. You put in the hours behind closed doors

“Private victory always precedes public victory.”

— Stephen Covey

I’m a major advocate of building in public…

But those who fully embrace this practice understand there’s a substantial amount of work that happens behind closed doors.

To build in public, you must learn all the material you want to use in private.

This is the equivalent of going to the gym when everyone else is resting.

The more visits you make, the more resources you’ll have to build in public.

Athletes like Kobe Bryant and Cristiano Ronaldo understand this concept exceptionally.

It’s well documented that they were always the first to arrive at training and the last to leave.

They worked harder than everyone else around them, and it shows.

They’ve made practice into a game of perfecting their skills.

Success is inevitable when you put in the hours behind closed doors.

When you perfect your craft while no one is looking and frequently build in public to get rapid feedback on how you’re doing, you cannot fail.

You’re effectively iterating yourself to success.

Yes, there will be ups and downs, but eventually, you’ll get there.

6. You keep a second brain

“Always carry a notebook. And I mean always. The short-term memory only retains information for three minutes; unless it is committed to paper, you can lose an idea forever.”

– Will Self

People often overestimate how good their memory is…

I used to be one of those people.

Rather than writing down ideas I got, I’d leave it in my head.

By the time I got around to writing the article, most of the points I wanted to touch on were gone – sometimes, I even forgot the title.

I love Benjamin Hardy’s analogy of how the mind works. He said:

“Your mind can be like a well. It takes pumping the well for a while to get the ideas and creativity flowing. However, if you get the well pumping, then all of you have to do is keep it going. You can get to the point where the ideas and insights keep coming coming coming.”

Once your mind gets to the place where ideas and insights are flowing, the onus is on you to record them so you don’t forget.

Well, depending on how you look at it…

Matthew McConaughey said, “I never wrote things down to remember; I always wrote things down so I could forget.”

In other words, by recording his thoughts, he can reduce the burden on his brain to remember.

Keeping notes puts value on the thought – this signals to your brain to continue churning out such quality.

If you’re already doing this, there’s no doubt you’ll be successful.

7. You learn from your errors rapidly

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

― Dr. Seuss

There’s a famous adage that goes, “Lessons are repeated until learned.”

In other words, the speed of your development depends on how quickly you learn.

This is why Alvin Toffler said, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”

If you can spot an error, learn from it, and implement the lessons rapidly, the only way is up.

This is a clear sign you’re constantly making progress, which almost always guarantees success.

8. You feel fear and do it anyway

“Fear is the mother of foresight”

– Thomas Hardy

Fear is just the lack of knowledge.

If you understand something, you will be less afraid of it.

But the fact nobody knows all means we all have some level of fear instilled in us naturally – even Elon Musk.

For most people, this fear is a crippling roadblock that prevents them from moving forward.

For others, it’s a signal used to navigate the path to their goal.

If you fall into the latter category, you’ll be successful.

This is because the path to success is littered with failures.

Many people do their best to avoid this experience out of fear.

But you don’t become successful by playing it safe.

As Michael Jordan famously said:

“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

There will be moments when you’re scared to take the next step.

The fact you do it is a sign you’re destined for great things.

Success is not achieved in the comfort zone, after all.

9. You’ve defined exciting milestones

“Celebrate small victories often. Mourn failures quickly. Do what’s necessary without fanfare.”

— Chris Brogan

A key component of success is having fun along the way.

You need something to look forward to in the long term, but what keeps you motivated in the short term are the immediate milestones you’ve defined for yourself.

These must be exciting and relevant enough to make you WANT to take action.

For example, if your goal is to become a millionaire writing online in 5 years and you have nothing in your pocket right now, making your first dollar is a great milestone.

TLDR: If you have exciting and relevant milestones that make you want to take action, you’re on the right path.

10. You invest big in yourself

“The greatest investment you can make is in yourself.”

— Warren Buffett.

If you invest heavily in yourself, there’s no doubt you’ll get where you want to go.

Investment makes desires real.

It ties you to the outcome of whatever you’ve invested in.

This means a negative outcome for your investment is a negative outcome for you.

In other words, you’re highly incentivized to see it work out.

When you invest heavily in yourself, you’re creating incentives to be successful.

People who only dream about achieving something meaningful invest in distractions.

Investing in yourself means you’re buying into your vision.

If you’re heavily invested in yourself, you’ll almost certainly be successful—you’ll find a way.

This is why Benjamin Franklin said, “For the best return on your money, pour your purse into your head.”

11. You filter out things that don’t move you closer to your goals

“By prevailing over all obstacles and distractions, one may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal or destination.”

— Christopher Columbus

One of the hallmarks of success is sacrifice.

You must offer up who you currently are to become who you want to be.

This means dropping out of things that don’t align with your desired outcome.

Those who struggle to perform this act never realize their full potential – they’re in a constant battle with themselves.

People who are successful have no regard for who they currently are. There’s no attachment to their existing identity — it’s all about the future.

They’re willing to cut off anything instantly once they realize it doesn’t align with their objectives.

This is why they’re successful…

They’ve made their lives about achieving what they want and fitted everything else around it in a way that allows them to realize smaller but important milestones in the process (e.g., marriage, family building, etc.).

12. You’ve committed to never stop learning

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”

– Henry Ford

Everyone who’s had some exposure to self-improvement work knows learning is a lifetime thing, but what does this actually look like?

Here’s a perfect example…

Some years back, Cristiano Ronaldo uploaded a photo of himself and Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson to Instagram.

This confused a lot of people, as it didn’t make much sense how the two crossed paths.

In an interview with the controversial British Piers Morgan, Jordan Peterson revealed the back story on how they became friends.

He told Piers, “He’d had some trouble in his life a few months ago and a friend of his sent him some of my videos and he said he’d watched those. Then he read one of my books and found it helpful, he wanted to talk.”

In other words, Ronaldo was seeking answers.

Despite being one of the greatest athletes of all time, he was still looking for solutions to problems.

He hadn’t settled on how far he’d come – he still wanted things to improve.

If you see this trait in yourself, there’s a high chance you will be successful.

Read also: 8 signs you’re genuinely a sharp thinker according to psychology

Final thoughts

As Tony Robbins once said, “Success leaves clues.”

If you implement these clues in your life, you’ll likely be successful too.

This doesn’t mean it will happen overnight, and there will be times when you feel like nothing is happening.

In those moments, take time to reflect.

Look how how far you’ve come.

Find peace in the fact that you’re already doing what it takes to be successful, and so


Contributed by Kurtis Pykes

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