9 unusual habits that indicate a high level of intelligence


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There’s a common misconception that intelligence is all about acing tests and using big words. But, let me tell you, it’s often the quirky habits that set the truly intelligent apart.

You see, highly intelligent people tend to have certain unusual habits that others may find odd. These habits, however, are often indicators of a brain that’s constantly working in creative and fascinating ways.

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In this article, I am going to reveal to you nine peculiar habits that surprisingly indicate a high level of intelligence.

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Let’s get started.

1) Constant curiosity

Have you ever noticed how some people never stop asking questions? They’re the ones who are always digging deeper, always keen to learn more.

This, my friends, is the mark of an intelligent mind.

Highly intelligent people are naturally inquisitive. They can’t help but question how things work and why they are the way they are. This constant curiosity pushes them to learn and understand more about the world around them.

It’s not just about being a know-it-all. It’s about having a thirst for knowledge that’s never quite quenched.

When you come across someone who is always asking questions, don’t assume they’re being nosy or annoying. They might just be showcasing their high intelligence.

2) A tendency towards night owl tendencies

Okay, here’s a confession: I’m a night owl. While most people are winding down, I’m just hitting my stride. It’s not that I don’t enjoy the daylight, it’s just that the quiet solitude of the night is when my brain really comes alive.

And guess what? Research suggests that people who prefer staying up late, like me, may actually be more intelligent.

The theory is that intelligent people are more likely to be nocturnal than people with lower IQ scores. After all, being awake during the night was a risky behavior in our evolutionary past. It could be that more intelligent individuals are more likely to adopt evolutionarily novel behaviors.

If you find yourself constantly burning the midnight oil, it could be a sign that you’re more intelligent than you give yourself credit for!

3) Enjoyment of solitude

Contrary to the stigma attached to solitude, it isn’t always a sign of being antisocial or unfriendly. In fact, many intelligent individuals find their own company quite enjoyable.

Solitary time allows for deep thinking and self-reflection, activities that intelligent people often cherish. It provides them the space to explore their thoughts, ideas, and creativity without interruptions or influences from the external world.

Interestingly, a study published in the British Journal of Psychology found that people with high intelligence tend to have fewer social interactions. The researchers theorized that smarter individuals might derive less satisfaction than most people do from socializing because they’re more focused on some other long-term objective.

If you prefer spending time alone, it might just be your intelligent mind craving its own company!

4) Adaptable and open to change

Change can be scary for a lot of people. It’s unpredictable, it’s uncertain, and it often pushes us out of our comfort zones. But for highly intelligent individuals, change is seen as an opportunity rather than a threat.

People with high intelligence have a knack for adaptability. They are able to modify their behavior, thoughts, and emotions according to the changing situations or environments they find themselves in. They aren’t wedded to a single way of doing things, and they’re always open to new ideas and perspectives.

This ability to adapt and embrace change is not just about survival, it’s about thriving in an ever-changing world. So if you’re someone who welcomes change with open arms, you’re likely showcasing one of the hallmarks of high intelligence.

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5) A love for reading

Remember those school days when we were made to read books for assignments and exams? Well, intelligent individuals often find themselves turning to books out of pure love for reading, not because they have to.

Reading is a favorite pastime of many intelligent people. It’s not just about gaining knowledge or improving vocabulary. It’s about understanding different perspectives, exploring new ideas, and traveling to different worlds through the power of words.

Whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, classics or contemporary works, intelligent people often have a broad range of reading interests. They see every book as an opportunity to learn something new and broaden their horizons.

If you’re someone who’s always got a book in hand or on your nightstand, it’s a good sign that you’ve got a high level of intelligence.

6) Sensitivity towards others

It’s easy to assume that intelligence is all about brainpower, but emotional intelligence is just as important. And one key sign of emotional intelligence is a high level of sensitivity towards others.

Intelligent people often possess a deep sense of empathy. They can understand and feel what others are going through. They are not just aware of other people’s emotions, but they also respond to them in considerate and compassionate ways.

This sensitivity can sometimes make them more susceptible to emotional pain, both their own and that of others. But it also allows them to form deep connections and better understand the world around them.

If you find yourself deeply affected by the feelings and experiences of those around you, know that it’s not a weakness. Instead, it’s a sign of your intelligence and your ability to connect with others on a profound level.

7) Need for order and organization

Here’s something you might find interesting: I can’t stand a mess. Whether it’s my workspace or my living space, I need things to be organized. Clutter makes me feel overwhelmed and unable to focus.

Turns out, this penchant for order isn’t just about being tidy. It’s linked to intelligence. Highly intelligent people often crave order and organization. They like their surroundings and their thoughts to be structured and well-arranged.

This isn’t just about cleanliness. It’s about creating an environment that is conducive to thinking and creativity. When things are organized, it’s easier to focus, think clearly, and be productive.

If you’re someone who can’t stand chaos and feels the need to organize everything around you, it could be your intelligent mind at work!

8) Appreciation for art and music

Art and music are universal languages that speak to our emotions, our imaginations, and our intellect. It’s no surprise then that highly intelligent individuals often have a deep appreciation for these forms of expression.

Whether it’s classical music or modern art, intelligent people often find themselves drawn to the complexities and subtleties that these mediums offer. They appreciate the creativity, the skill, and the emotional depth that goes into producing a piece of art or music.

This isn’t just about having a refined taste. It’s about the ability to perceive and appreciate beauty in its various forms. It’s about understanding the emotions and ideas conveyed through art and music.

9) Embrace of failure

To many, failure is a dreaded word. It’s seen as an end, a sign of defeat. But to the highly intelligent, failure is just another stepping stone on the path to success.

Intelligent individuals understand that failure is not a reflection of their worth or capability. Instead, it’s an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve. They are not afraid to take risks and make mistakes because they know that these experiences are invaluable.

This ability to embrace failure is perhaps one of the most significant indicators of high intelligence. It shows resilience, courage, and a deep understanding that success is not a straight path, but a journey with many ups and downs.

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Final thoughts: Intelligence is multidimensional

When we talk about intelligence, it’s important to remember that it’s not a one-size-fits-all concept. It’s as unique and varied as the individuals who possess it.

These unusual habits we’ve explored are just a small glimpse into the vast landscape of human intelligence. They highlight the fact that intelligence is not just about IQ scores or academic achievements. It’s about curiosity, adaptability, emotional depth, and a multitude of other facets that make us human.

So, if you’ve recognized some of these habits in yourself, take a moment to celebrate your unique brand of intelligence. And if you haven’t, remember that intelligence comes in many forms. There’s no right or wrong way to be intelligent.

After all, as Albert Einstein once said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

So don’t judge your intelligence by anyone else’s standards. Embrace your unique habits and traits, for they are what make you the intelligent individual you are.

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Contributed By Lachlan Brown

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