🌼8 lifelong behaviours kids adopt from parents



1. Behaviour of kids


Children are like sponges, soaking up behaviours and attitudes from the people around them. From the way they handle stress to their eating habits, kids often mirror their parents’ actions. Here are 8 key behaviours that children typically learn from their parents.

2. Emotional regulation

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Children watch how their parents manage emotions. If parents handle stress calmly and constructively, their kids are likely to develop similar coping mechanisms. Children who observed their parents managing emotions effectively were better at regulating their own emotions as adults.

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3. Communication skills

The way parents communicate with each other and their children sets a foundation for how kids will interact with others. Children who grow up in homes with open and respectful communication are more likely to develop strong communication skills themselves.

4. Work ethic

Parents’ attitudes toward work and responsibility greatly influence their children’s work ethic. If parents demonstrate dedication and perseverance, children are more likely to adopt a similar approach. Parental work ethic is a significant predictor of a child’s future professional behavior.

5. Eating habits

Children’s eating habits are often a reflection of their parents’ dietary practices. Research from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health shows that children whose parents maintain healthy eating habits are more likely to eat healthily themselves.

6. Financial management

Financial habits are another crucial behavior that children pick up from their parents. By the age of seven, many of the financial behaviors that will influence children’s financial decisions in adulthood are already set.

7. Physical activity

Active parents tend to raise active children. The CDC reports that children of physically active parents are more likely to engage in regular physical activity, promoting better physical health throughout their lives.

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8. Social behaviour

How parents interact with others, show kindness, and handle conflicts teaches children important social skills. Children model social behaviors exhibited by their parents, which influences their ability to form and maintain healthy relationships.

9. Learning and curiosity

Parents who encourage learning and curiosity instil a love for knowledge in their children. Children whose parents actively engage in their learning and show curiosity about the world tend to perform better academically and exhibit lifelong learning habits

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