🔺Life Is Short — Do This So You Don’t Waste Your Time



A simple way to make the most of your time


My wife told me her cousin had died. He was 54 years old.

That is still very young. He lived a little more than five decades.

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I never met her cousin but was Facebook friends with him. We chatted a few times before.

Not long ago, friends I graduated high school with died.

A handful of people I knew and graduated with died.

You never know when your last day will be.

According to the CDC, men live an average of 74 years old, and women live to 80.

Some people die earlier, and some die later.

Either way, make the most of every second, every minute, and every hour you have.

You don’t know when that will be your last minute on earth.

Read also: 7 habits that are incredibly hard to do but pay on forever 

By now, you have lived ⅓, ½, or more of your life. Wherever you are, your biological clock is ticking.

Time goes by fast. If you think about it, you’re almost halfway through the year. A new year will be here before you know it. Get ready to add another year to the calendar.

It’s easy to think you have years to live, and I hope you do. But this thing called time doesn’t care about you or me. Time likes to do its own thing on its schedule.

Just check it off

Do you have a wish list or a must-do list that you want to accomplish?

Maybe it’s traveling to a new place.

Or see one of the seven wonders of the world.

Whatever it is, check it off as soon as you can.

Months ago, I read the book Die With Zero by Bill Perkins. I recommend reading the book.

Perkins makes you look at life differently. Without spoiling the book, he wants you to do things and not let money hold you back.

“In other words, to get the most out of your time and money, timing matters. So to increase your overall lifetime fulfillment, it’s important to have each experience at the right age.”

Sure, you need money for retirement or buying a new car or house but don’t forget about the other important things in life.

You need to check off your to-do list.

Time is running out and fast. Don’t let things hold you back.

If you have money invested, use some and check off your list. You can replace money.

But there are some things in life you can’t replace.

Spend more time with your family.

Travel the world.

Check off your to-do list.

If you don’t have a list, start one. Then, figure out when you’ll do it.

This could be one of the best things you’ll do.

Remember, your life is short.

Read also: 10 ways to improve your communication skills

Final thoughts

There are 365 days in a year, not including leap year. That means you have 8,760 hours to use.

The key is not to waste it.

It’s easy to waste time.

Use the time to check off your list. Your list could be more meaningful to you.

You don’t want to wake up one day and say I wished I would have done X, Y, or Z. As you get older, you may not want to do things on your to-do list.

Do them while you can.

It will be well worth it.

Contributed by Tom Handy

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