šŸŒ¼8 habits of people who stay strong, even when life gets tough



Life can be tough, no doubt about it. But, have you ever noticed how some people seem to stay strong and resilient, no matter what comes their way?


In my quest to understand this, Iā€™ve observed that these folks have certain habits. Habits that enable them to weather the storm, keep their chin up and power through the toughest times.

In this article, I will share 8 habits of these habits. Stick around and you might just learn a thing or two. Because letā€™s face it, we could all use a little more strength in our lives.

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1) Embrace challenges

Ever notice how certain people seem to face challenges head on, while others shy away?

Well, those who stay strong during tough times have a habit of embracing challenges.

Instead of viewing difficulties as obstacles, they see them as opportunities. Opportunities to learn, grow and become more resilient.

Itā€™s this mindset that allows them to weather lifeā€™s storms with determination and grace. They understand that life isnā€™t always easy, but every challenge is a chance to become stronger.

If you want to cultivate resilience, start welcoming challenges instead of avoiding them. After all, theyā€™re part of the journey and can lead to some of the most significant growth.

2) Maintain a positive mindset

This one hits home for me.

A few years back, I found myself going through a particularly difficult time. I was dealing with job loss, financial strain and a lot of uncertainty about the future.

One day, while wallowing in my worries, a friend said something that changed my perspective. She told me, ā€œYou canā€™t control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to it.ā€

That simple phrase made me realize that I had been focusing on all the wrong things. Instead of dwelling on my problems, I needed to shift my focus towards finding solutions.

From that day forward, I made a conscious effort to maintain a positive mindset, no matter what life threw my way.

And you know what? It worked.

I wonā€™t say it was easy, but choosing positivity over negativity helped me navigate through the tough times and come out stronger on the other side.

Itā€™s a habit Iā€™ve carried with me ever since, and itā€™s made all the difference.

3) Practice self-care

Self-care is more than just bubble baths and spa days. Itā€™s about taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health consistently.

Did you know that that regular exercise can help reduce feelings of anxiety and improve mood? Thatā€™s because physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators.

Those who stay strong during tough times understand the importance of this. They make it a habit to prioritize self-care, whether that means going for a run, practicing mindful meditation, or simply taking time to unwind with a good book.

Remember, taking care of yourself isnā€™t selfish. Itā€™s necessary. And itā€™s a habit that can greatly enhance your resilience when life gets tough.

4) Stay present

One of the key habits of people who stay strong, even when life gets tough, is their ability to stay present. And this is where Buddhism comes into play.

Buddhism teaches the importance of mindfulness, or the practice of staying fully present and engaged in the current moment. Itā€™s about acknowledging your thoughts and feelings without judgment or distraction.

In my book, ā€œHidden Secrets of Buddhism: How To Live With Maximum Impact and Minimum Egoā€œ, I delve deeper into the practical application of this ancient wisdom in our modern lives.

One of the core teachings is about learning to let go of past regrets and future anxieties. When we dwell on past mistakes or worry about future uncertainties, we rob ourselves of the opportunity to fully experience and enjoy the present moment.

By staying present, you can face lifeā€™s challenges with a clear mind and a calm heart. It allows you to respond to difficulties with grace and equanimity, rather than reacting impulsively out of fear or stress.

So if youā€™re interested in learning more about how to live fully in the present and develop a stronger resilience against lifeā€™s challenges, be sure to check out my book here. Itā€™s packed with actionable advice on how to incorporate Buddhist principles into your daily routine.

5) Cultivate gratitude

There was a time when I found myself spiraling into negativity. Everything seemed to be going wrong, and I was quick to complain and slow to appreciate.

One night, I sat down with a pen and a piece of paper and decided to jot down a few things I was grateful for. It started as a small list: a roof over my head, food on the table, good health.

As I kept writing, I realized there was so much more in my life that deserved gratitude. The laughter shared with friends, the love from family, even the lessons learned from failures and heartbreak.

That simple exercise shifted something within me. It made me realize how much beauty surrounds us if we choose to see it.

Gratitude became a daily practice for me, and itā€™s been transformative. It has helped me stay strong through tough times by reminding me of my blessings instead of focusing solely on my burdens.

Cultivating gratitude doesnā€™t mean ignoring the difficulties in life. It means acknowledging the good amidst the bad, and that can make all the difference when youā€™re facing tough times.

6) Accept imperfection

It sounds counter-intuitive, right? In a world that constantly pushes us towards perfection, how can accepting imperfection be a strength?

Well, those who stay strong through tough times understand that imperfection is a part of life. They donā€™t waste their energy striving for unreachable perfection. Instead, they acknowledge their flaws, learn from their mistakes and continue to move forward.

Accepting imperfection takes off the pressure of always needing to be ā€œperfectā€. It allows us to be human, to make mistakes, and to grow from them.

Remember, itā€™s not about celebrating failures or mistakes. Itā€™s about understanding that they are an integral part of our journey. By accepting imperfection, we can deal with lifeā€™s challenges in a healthier and more resilient way.

7) Nurture relationships

We often underestimate the power of human connection. But the truth is, having a strong support system can make a world of difference when life gets tough.

Those who stay resilient through adversity understand the importance of nurturing relationships. They make time for their loved ones, and they arenā€™t afraid to lean on them for support when needed.

But itā€™s not just about having someone to lean on during tough times. Itā€™s also about sharing joys, celebrating victories, and creating lasting memories.

Nurturing relationships isnā€™t always easy. It requires effort, compromise, and understanding. But the strength and support we gain from these bonds are invaluable in helping us stay strong, even when life gets tough.

8) Keep moving forward

Through all the highs and lows, the successes and failures, the joys and sorrows, thereā€™s one habit that stands above the rest: keep moving forward.

Life will throw curveballs. It will knock you down. But those who stay strong are those who get back up and keep going.

They understand that progress, no matter how small, is still progress. They donā€™t let setbacks deter them from their path. Instead, they learn, adapt, and continue to move forward.

Moving forward doesnā€™t mean forgetting the past or ignoring the present. It means acknowledging where youā€™ve been, appreciating where you are, and focusing on where you want to go.

In lifeā€™s toughest moments, remember this: every step forward is a step in the right direction. Stay strong. Keep moving forward.

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Final thoughts: Strength lies within

Strength isnā€™t about the absence of vulnerability, itā€™s about how we respond to lifeā€™s challenges. Itā€™s about finding the courage to keep going, even when the road ahead seems uncertain.

These 8 habits weā€™ve discussed are practices that can help us cultivate that inner strength. Theyā€™re not quick fixes, but rather lifelong commitments that require conscious effort and dedication.

At the heart of these practices, youā€™ll find principles deeply ingrained in Buddhist teachings, like mindfulness, acceptance, and resilience. In my book, ā€œHidden Secrets of Buddhism: How To Live With Maximum Impact and Minimum Egoā€, I delve into these principles and how we can apply them in our daily lives.

So whether youā€™re facing a personal struggle or navigating through a difficult time, remember this: strength lies within you. Itā€™s not dictated by external circumstances, but by your internal resilience.


Contributed by Lachlan Brown

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