šŸŒ¼People who stay mentally sharp in their 70s and beyond usually adopt these 8 daily habits



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Maintaining mental sharpness as we age isnā€™t just about luck. Itā€™s a product of our daily habits and lifestyle choices.

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Many of us wonder how some people remain so mentally alert in their 70s, 80s, and beyond. Itā€™s no secret, really ā€“ they follow a set of daily routines that help them stay sharp.

Iā€™ve observed and compiled the most common habits of these individuals. And you know what? Itā€™s never too late to start incorporating these into your own life.

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In this article, Iā€™ll walk you through 8 daily habits that people who stay mentally agile into their golden years typically adopt. Theyā€™re simpler than you might think.

1) Physical activity

One of the most common habits among people who maintain their mental acuity into their 70s and beyond? Regular physical activity.

And itā€™s not just about staying physically fit. Physical activity has a direct impact on brain health too.

Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which helps to support cognitive functions. It also releases chemicals that boost your mood and make you feel more relaxed.

From walking to yoga, swimming to gardening ā€“ the type of activity doesnā€™t really matter. The key is consistency.

So if you want to stay sharp as you age, make sure regular physical activity becomes a part of your daily routine. Start small, but start now. Itā€™s never too late to take up a new habit for your health.

2) Lifelong learning

Another habit that Iā€™ve noticed in people who stay mentally sharp is a commitment to lifelong learning.

For example, my aunt whoā€™s in her 80s and sharper than most people half her age, has always been an avid reader. She starts every day by reading the newspaper cover to cover.

But it doesnā€™t stop there. She also takes part in book clubs, attends lectures, and even enrolled in an online course last year about ancient history ā€“ a subject sheā€™s always been fascinated by.

What Iā€™ve learned from her is that continuing to learn and stimulate your mind isnā€™t just good for your brain health; it keeps life interesting and exciting too.

3) Healthy diet

The food we consume plays an important role in maintaining our mental sharpness as we age. In fact, certain foods are known to boost brain health.

The Mediterranean diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, and lean protein, is often associated with lower risks of cognitive decline.

Itā€™s not about following a strict regime, but rather making healthier choices consistently. Incorporating more brain-boosting foods like blueberries, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, and dark chocolate into our meals can make a significant difference.

Remember, what you eat doesnā€™t just affect your waistline; it impacts your brain health too. So make the conscious choice to fuel your body and mind with nutritious food.

4) Regular social interactions

Staying socially active is another habit of those who remain mentally sharp in their later years. Human beings are social creatures and our brains thrive on interpersonal interactions.

Whether itā€™s catching up with friends over coffee, participating in group activities, or simply having a chat with the neighbor, regular social interaction stimulates our brains and keeps us mentally engaged.

Isolation, on the other hand, can have a detrimental effect on both mental and physical health. So keep your social calendar filled ā€“ itā€™s good for your brain.

5) Adequate sleep

Getting a good nightā€™s sleep isnā€™t just about feeling refreshed in the morning. It plays a crucial role in our cognitive health too.

During sleep, the brain works to consolidate memories and clear out waste products. Itā€™s essentially its time to recharge and reset.

People who maintain their mental sharpness into their 70s and beyond often prioritize quality sleep as part of their daily routine.

So, ensure youā€™re getting enough sleep every night. Your brain will thank you for it.

6) Mindfulness and meditation

In todayā€™s fast-paced world, itā€™s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and forget to take a moment for ourselves.

But those who stay mentally sharp as they age often have a practice of mindfulness or meditation. These practices help to reduce stress, enhance concentration, and promote a sense of peace and well-being.

By focusing on the present moment, we allow our minds to rest, recharge, and build resilience against lifeā€™s stressors.

So, take a few moments each day to breathe deeply, reflect, and simply be present. Itā€™s a gift you give not just to yourself but also to those around you.

7) Cognitive exercises

Just like physical exercise is important to maintain our bodyā€™s health, cognitive exercises are crucial for our brainā€™s health.

I remember how my grandfather used to solve crosswords daily. He would sit in his favorite armchair every evening, pencil in hand, deeply engrossed in the puzzle. Even when his eyesight started failing, he switched to larger prints but never gave up his beloved crossword puzzles.

Cognitive exercises like puzzles, board games, or learning a new language challenge our brains and keep them active. They help build mental resilience and keep cognitive decline at bay.

So embrace the habit of giving your brain a good workout daily. Your future self will be thankful.

Read also: 10 daily habits that can actually change your life

8) Positive attitude

Perhaps the most important habit of all is maintaining a positive attitude. Those who stay mentally sharp in their golden years often have an optimistic outlook on life.

A positive attitude helps us cope better with stressful situations, reduces the risk of physical health issues, and contributes to longevity. Itā€™s a powerful tool that shapes our reality and influences our mental health.

So strive to keep a positive mindset, even when faced with challenges. Itā€™s more than just a feel-good factor; itā€™s essential for your cognitive health.


Contributed By Isabella Chase

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