šŸŒ¼8 morning habits of high achievers, according to psychology



What exactly is it that fuels high achievers to tackle the day with unstoppable energy and focus?


Short answer: it starts with how they kick off their mornings.

Whether itā€™s the CEO who runs a Fortune 500 company or the local coffee shop owner known for her infectious enthusiasm, their morning routines often have a few things in common.

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Curious to see how the early hours set the stage for success? Letā€™s unpack the eight morning habits that psychology shows can turn any average Joe into a high achiever.

1) Early risers

Ever heard the saying ā€œthe early bird catches the wormā€?

Well, itā€™s not just a saying for high achievers ā€“ itā€™s their lifestyle. They donā€™t simply wake up; they rise and shine, often before the world is fully awake.

They consider mornings as prime hours, when their minds are fresh and their energy levels are at their peak.

And no, they donā€™t hit the snooze button. In fact, most of them donā€™t even need an alarm clock. Theyā€™re programmed to wake up early and get started on their day.

According to psychology, this habit of waking up early allows them to have time for themselves before they dive into their busy schedule.

So, if you want to join the high achieverā€™s club, you might want to reconsider your relationship with your bed in the morning. Itā€™s time to become an early riser!

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2) Healthy breakfast

You know that old saying, ā€œbreakfast is the most important meal of the day?ā€ Well, itā€™s true.

High achievers understand the importance of starting their day with a nutritious breakfast. They know that a healthy body fuels a healthy mind.

Take me, for example. I used to skip breakfast, thinking I was saving time. But I soon realized that without the right fuel, my productivity tanked by midday.

So, I made a conscious decision to start my day with a balanced breakfast. And let me tell you ā€“ the difference was stark! I felt more energetic, more focused, and ready to tackle the dayā€™s challenges.

Bottom line? Never underestimate the power of a good breakfast. It really does set the tone for your whole day.

3) Physical exercise

High achievers donā€™t just exercise their minds, they also make sure to get their bodies moving. Physical activity is an essential part of their morning routine.

And hereā€™s something you might not know: exercise doesnā€™t just keep the body fit, it also boosts brain function. It increases blood flow to the brain, enhances memory and cognitive abilities, and even fosters creativity.

So whether itā€™s a quick jog around the block, a yoga session, or a full-blown workout at the gym, high achievers ensure they kick-start their day with some form of physical movement.

Itā€™s like a wake-up call for both the mind and body.

4) Goal setting

High achievers donā€™t just let the day happen to them ā€“ they seize the day. And that starts with setting clear, achievable goals each morning.

They take time to jot down their objectives for the day, and strategize on how to accomplish them. This could be as simple as writing a to-do list, or as elaborate as mapping out a detailed plan.

Having these precise goals in mind gives them a sense of direction, and helps them stay focused and motivated throughout the day. Itā€™s like having a roadmap for success, every single day.

5) Mindfulness practice

Mindfulness isnā€™t just a buzzword, itā€™s a way of life for high achievers. They understand the power of being present and fully engaged in the moment.

Personally, Iā€™ve found that incorporating mindfulness exercises into my morning routine has done wonders for my mental clarity and focus.

Whether Iā€™m meditating, practicing yoga, or simply savoring a cup of coffee, I make it a point to be fully present.

I allow myself to experience the moment in its entirety, without any distractions or thoughts about the past or future.

This simple practice helps me start my day on a positive note and sets the tone for the rest of the day.

Trust me, once you start practicing mindfulness, youā€™ll wonder how you ever lived without it.

6) Learning and development

Another thing high achievers have in common is a love for learning. They understand that constant growth and development is key to success.

So they make sure to dedicate part of their morning to learning something new or developing a skill.

This could be reading a chapter of a book, listening to a podcast, or watching an educational video.

By incorporating learning into their morning routine, they ensure that they start their day with a fresh dose of knowledge and inspiration. Itā€™s like fuel for the mind that keeps them going throughout the day.

7) Digital detox

In this age of technology, it might seem natural to start your day by reaching for your phone and scrolling through emails or social media updates.

But high achievers often do the exact opposite.

They understand the importance of starting their day free from digital distractions.

Rather than diving straight into the digital world, they prefer to spend their first waking hours in a more grounded and focused state.

By delaying their digital engagement, they allow themselves to set the tone for the day, rather than letting the outside world dictate their mood and mindset.

In other words, they prefer to start their day proactively, not reactively. It also helps them with this next important habitā€¦

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8) Positive outlook

A positive mindset is powerful, and thatā€™s something high achievers understand very well.

They start their day with a positive outlook, maybe even add in some affirmations, to remind themselves that they can handle whatever the day throws at them.

This isnā€™t about ignoring the challenges and difficulties they might face. Instead, itā€™s about embracing them with confidence and determination.

A positive outlook is like a shield that protects them from negativity and setbacks. It propels them forward and helps them stay resilient in the face of adversity.

Remember, your mindset is everything. Start your day with positivity, and watch how it changes your life.

Final thoughts

As you might have discerned by now, high achievers donā€™t rely on luck or circumstances to propel them forward. They consciously build habits that set the tone for their day, and ultimately, their lives.

These morning habits arenā€™t just routines, theyā€™re statements of intent, affirmations of the kind of day they choose to have.

You see, success doesnā€™t happen by chance. Itā€™s a result of consistent actions that align with your goals and aspirations. And it begins the moment you open your eyes each morning.

So, as we wrap up this exploration into the morning habits of high achievers, letā€™s pause and reflect on our own morning routines:

Are they setting us up for success? Or is there room for improvement?

Remember this ā€” every morning is a fresh start, a new opportunity to set the tone for a successful day. Make it count.Ā 


Contributed By Ethan Sterling

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