🌻10 Micro Habits That Will 10x Your Productivity


These habits will change your life forever.

Ever since I was a child, I was a disciplined lad. As I grew older, life started becoming tougher. It demanded more discipline, but I could not maintain the previous routine.


It is often said that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, but no one tells you how.

Everybody blamed me that I was once a disciplined person and I am wasting my potential now.

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The reiterated to me that “I am not getting life seriously, and I’ll regret it later.” The other one was, “I should learn from my that cousin and this friend who are that much good at studies and extra-curricular activities, respectively.”

I tried hard to make lemonade my way, and I did succeed in making it in the end. The recipe I found was in the library of my university. I spent a year on a regular basis and read a lot of books.

Read also: How one small,bold habit change can change your life

I found out that small changes in our daily routines can significantly impact our well-being. Certain habits have helped me in making my life back on track. Below is the list of micro-habits that, I presume, can also change your life.

  1. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning.

“I believe that water is the only drink for a wise man.” — Henry David Thoreau

I agree with David. Not only does it help to rehydrate the body after a night’s long sleep, but it can also boost metabolism, aid digestion, and promotes clear skin.

In his book “The Water Secret,” Howard Murad maintains that drinking water in the morning helps to purify the body; it also improves the flow of nutrients to the skin, leading to a more youthful complexion.

Additionally, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that drinking 500 ml of water increased metabolic rate by 30% in both men and women. The increase, it says, occurred within 10 min and reached a maximum after 30–40 min.

  1. Make your bed as soon as you get up.

Self-discipline is the ability to control your impulses, emotions, and behaviors to achieve your goals.

It is the key to personal and professional success. Self-discipline, however, can be achieved by making your bed as soon as you get up.

Although it seems trivial, it can incredibly impact one’s life. By completing this simple task, you start your day with a sense of accomplishment and control.

Take charge of your life by making your bed.

Admiral William H. McRaven in his book “Make Your Bed,” Admiral William H. McRaven argues that making your bed every morning is a powerful way to take charge of your life, as making your bed every morning can lead to a sense of purpose and accomplishment throughout the day.

  1. Spend five minutes decluttering or organizing each day.

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” — Stephen Covey

We often forget to do the important work and return home doing all the low-priority tasks. If that happens to you, you are not alone.

Organizing a day was also challenging for me, but with the right approach and tools, it can be a rewarding experience as it was for me.

How to do it?

A planner is a useful tool for organizing your day; planners can help you keep track of appointments, tasks, and deadlines.

“Getting Things Done” by David Allen is another useful resource for organizing your day. In this book, Allen outlines a system for managing tasks and projects. The “GTD” system involves breaking tasks into smaller, actionable steps and organizing them by context and priority. By following the GTD system, you can reduce mental clutter.

  1. Consume vitamin ‘N.’

“Every time you say yes to something that isn’t important, you’re saying no to something that is.” — Michael Hyatt.

Although saying ‘no’ is sometimes difficult, it allows us to align and prioritize our time and energy to what truly matters.

Saying no can be difficult, but it is a skill that can be learned and practiced.

Stephen Covey, in his book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” says that “You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage — pleasantly, smilingly, unapologetically — to say ‘no’ to other things.

Photo by Gemma Evans on Unsplash

  1. Spend 10 minutes reflecting on your day before bed.

Many of us regret before going to bed rather than evaluating the day and planning for the next day.

When did you last spend 10 minutes evaluating your whole day before going to bed?

When was the last time you sat on the table alone with a pen and diary to jot down the mistakes you will not make tomorrow?

Robin Sharma writes in his book “The 5 AM Club,” “Reflection is a daily food for the champion’s mind.”

What to do?

Don’t fall into the regret trap; adopt a reflection-adaptation strategy- that means that your future should be the adaptation of the lessons you learned from past reflections rather than of regrets.

  1. Give someone a compliment every day.

How many days have passed since you complimented someone?

When was the last time you told someone that you are attractive or your dressing sense is so good?

Research shows that compliments often make the receivers feel better than most people anticipate.

A simple habit of complimenting positively impacts both the giver and the receiver.

What to avoid?

However, the gap between flattery and compliment is not too wide. It’s important to remember that compliments should come from a place of sincerity rather than a desire to manipulate or impress others.

  1. Take a cold shower to start your day off with a burst of energy.

Though taking a cold shower is a difficult task, especially in the winter, it has a lot of positive impacts on the mind and body.

According to a report, exposure to cold water can increase the production of endorphins and other mood-boosting neurotransmitters in the brain.

Cold water immersion has also been linked to improved circulation, reduced inflammation, and increased immune function.

Mind-boosting and improved circulation improve the productivity of the work as well. Enhanced blood flow helps deliver oxygen and vital nutrients to the brain, optimizing its overall function.

  1. Spend five minutes learning new digital skills each day.

In the modern workplace, digital skills are no longer a luxury; they have become necessary.

In addition. The parents are usually unaware of the time children spend on various digital platforms.

These 5–10 minutes a day can help them perform well personally and professionally.

“Digital skills are the new literacy.” — Erik Qualman

  1. Take a break from social media for an hour a day.

Once, I was a fool, so I spent various hours on social media. Now, I am wise; I spend quality time with my family and friends.

If you are used to social media stuff, you might be familiar with the Tik-Tok infinity scroll or checking emails and WhatsApp messages first thing in the morning.

According to a 2021 survey, 86 percent of 1,500 Americans reported negative impacts of social media on their self-image and happiness.

Avoiding social media for an hour daily can reduce stress and anxiety and increase productivity. It also improves relationships and boosts creativity.

  1. Write down your goals and review them regularly.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” — Tony Robbins.

The philosopher Aristotle once said, “Well begun is half done,” which emphasizes the importance of starting with a clear objective.

The unclear goals generate a distraction, and a distraction generates a lot of other distractions. The best way to cut off distractions is to either change your environment or control it.

How to control it?

Controlling the environment requires jotting down your goals for life and the day. In addition, the goals must be reviewed weekly as the priorities change with the circumstances.

If goals are not timely reviewed, they become a source of stress.

Therefore, define your goals, write them down, and keep them where you can see them daily. Setting clear goals helps you focus on what’s important and motivates you to take action.

Read also: 4 simple habits for peace of mind

Final thoughts

Life is, indeed, hard sometimes.

Remember that you will be on someone else’s product list if you are not on your priority list.

One short piece of advice at the end is that avoid staying close to people who don’t support your goals and agree with your ideas.

If you want to be rich, stay close to rich people; If you want to be disciplined, make disciplined people your friend.

In the end, light gains make a heavy purse. That’s why spending time on these micro habits is a viable strategy rather than shooting for the sky.

🟢Contributed by Shahid Chap

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