🌻6 Unquestionable Signs That Your Manifestation Is Close


Signs are everywhere. Can you recognize them?

Manifesting is great. But knowing your manifestations are coming is even better.


Nothing compares to the state when you recognize that you are on the brink of a breakthrough in your life.

Before we receive what we desire, the Universe will test our readiness to receive what we have requested.

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Don’t worry. If doubts ever creep up on you, here are the signs that your manifestation is close.

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Your life sucks.

Change is the most pronounced sign you are about to receive what you’ve asked for.

And changes are usually tumultuous, uncomfortable, and challenging. They appear like thunders in the sky.

People fall out of your life. Your source of income is dripping away. Suddenly, everything goes in a different direction. It is very common for people to panic in those situations.

But think about it. You asked for a change. You asked for a healthier relationship or better job prospects.

Your current relationship ends so you can nourish a healthier connection with yourself and allow that special someone to come into your life.

Your boss complains about a decline in your number of customers because you are meant to start a new course, brush up on skills and become an independent entrepreneur.

Not all changes are bad. But all of them are necessary.

The Universe has to give your life a makeover to grant your wishes. You also have to go through turmoil to become the person who is ready to receive the new energy.

When your world is tumbling down, it is a sign something big is coming. Manifestations come through unexpected avenues.

Monumental shifts in your life indicate you are aligning with your desire.

The Universe wants to know: are you ready to give up the comfort of the known — your old life?

Don’t back out now. Persist with your vision.

Manifestations don’t always happen according to your plans. But the outcome will exceed your expectations.

Allow the Universe to give you more than you’ve asked for.

You pick up random clues.

Suddenly, you hear people talking about the thing you want. You see others driving the car you want. You receive a message through lyrics.

It is a sign you are aligning with your desire.

The Universe will communicate with you through people, overheard conversations, random passages from books, quotes, rainbows, feathers and repeating numbers.

The signs are a reassurance that your manifestations are on their way. It is also a test to remain patient and trusting.

If multiple people tell you about trying something new or applying for a job, give it a go. The new position doesn’t have to become the finish line but a bridge helping you reach the next destination.

How you feel about those random clues is a telling sign of where you are in relation to your manifestation.

For example, if your friend has finally found the perfect job or opened a business when you have been manifesting it for yourself, observe your reaction.

Do you feel jealous and bitter that it wasn’t you?

Or do you feel ecstatic and thrilled because the good fortune of others is a confirmation of your success?

Seeing successful people without feeling jealous or threatened means your success is inevitable. Instead of feeling resentful, you observe and cheer them along.

The Universe wants to know: does your desire come from the ego or the heart?

You don’t hang in low vibrations of fear, lack, or jealousy. You hang out with the higher crowd: kindness, joy and support.

The key to manifesting is feeling abundant before the physical manifestation takes place.

When you feel like you are already complete, satisfied, and pleased without external conditions needing to change, it means your manifestation is coming.

Creativity is flowing.

People falsely assume that manifesting is a passive process.

Positive thinking is one piece of the puzzle to change your life. It is an excellent starting point, but without action, it is futile.

It is the reason creativity is a sign of manifestation in work.

The Law of Attraction is not about lack of action. It is about an inspired action that feels good, light and energizing.

When you feel inspired to act, it is a sign you are aligning with your desires.

Out of nowhere, you feel the urge to speak to your old friend. You meet for a coffee and hear about a spot opening at his company. You jump on board. You meet new people.

To manifest is to create on a mental level first and bring that vision to life.

The frequency of manifesting things into reality is vibrant with life. When you feel the energy of inspired action and creative juices flowing, you are on the brink of creation.

Creativity raises your vibration.

Because you engage in projects you feel passionate about, you focus less on worrying, doubting, or complaining as you have less time for this bullshit.

The Universe wants to know: how receptive are you to your requests?

When feeling the urge to go somewhere, call a person or start writing, jump on board.

Even if the action seemingly has no connection to your goal, your creative pursuit will pay off. Listen to your intuition. It is your superpower.

Old life irritates you.

If you look at your past self and find it hard to relate to that person, you are levelling up.

The old crowd doesn’t do it for you anymore. You find it difficult to have a conversation with your old friends. It seems like you have nothing in common.

Give up your old life and allow fresh energy to blossom.

If you used to go out a lot, you may find yourself enjoying the comfort and peacefulness of staying in.

You are moulding into a new version of yourself who is getting ready to receive your manifestation. This stage may feel lonely, yet it is necessary.

Don’t be harsh on yourself. Be open to change and discoveries. Take up new hobbies. Follow your intuition that feels good. Read new books. Watch new content. It invites new energy into your life.

It is okay for old habits and preferences to die. Think about it as a cleanse. You shed heavy layers that will make your new chapters lighter and more exhilarating.

Give up your old life and allow fresh energy to blossom.

The Universe wants to know: what is your new identity?

To become one with your manifestation, you have to embody that state of already having it.

What would your new life look like? Don’t fight it. Align with it.

Going against all odds.

People won’t support your vision.

Your parents want the best for you. In their mind, safety is what matters. But what they associate with security won’t always make you happy.

They will encourage you to follow the beaten path and not your irrational dreams.

Your friends may find your new lifestyle weird. Your transition won’t align with their needs. People will feel intimidated by your dreams. It is a sign you are heading somewhere big.

If you face criticism and lack of understanding, ask yourself, what is important to you?

Your happiness or satisfying the needs of others?

It is a groundbreaking test for making your dreams happen.

It is a challenge to rise beyond the doubts and fears people project on you. They are not yours to carry.

The Universe wants to know: how badly do you want it?

Don’t quit your dreams because the path gets rough. Don’t go back to your old ways and settle for breadcrumbs.

Breakthroughs are preceded by breakdowns.

The Universe is testing you because it wants you to grow and expand your consciousness.

You stop needing it.

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You wake up happy for no reason.

You are ecstatic about the day. You feel invincible and ready to tackle whatever the day brings.

It is the sign you are flying on high vibrations. And when you feel good, you attract good.

The secret of attraction is not being desperate about it. You are eager for what is coming and yet content with where you are.

When you want something too much, you repel it.

Over-attachment to your manifestation blocks it from coming. When you want something too much, you repel it.

Haven’t you experienced this irony before?

You fantasized about a dream vacation spot. After a while, you got hooked on a new hobby and started playing the guitar. You enrolled in a course. You bonded with new people. Meanwhile, you got a pay rise. Out of the blue, your new friends asked you to come along for a little getaway. Next thing you know, you are in paradise — a dream vacation spot.

It seems like a coincidence. But it never is. The Universe works in subtle ways.

Obsessively checking the progress of your current situation means you lack something.

But when you are living life, having fun, creating good memories, and doing what you feel passionate about, you stop obsessing over what might be missing because you feel complete.

As you already live in a state of abundance, before the physical manifestation occurs, you spot opportunities and meet the right people, so your new world can come together.

Instead of forcing things to happen and manipulating events, you allow them to blossom.

The Universe wants to know: is your happiness conditional?

It is the most tricky concept about manifesting – believing before you can see it.

You don’t need another person to be in love with life.

You don’t need a job to validate your worth.

It is an empowering state that allows you to create and not chase.

You know you deserve your manifestation, but you don’t need it to be happy.

Contributed by Katarzyna Portka

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