🌻How to Stop Worrying and Get Good at Life


Calm down your mind and consciously create your life.

Anxiety is nothing else than a state of constant worry about the future. And we, humans, are masters at worrying.


When you are anxious, you feel like you have no control over your life. And to some extent, you are right.

Most things in life fall outside your control. You cannot control whether people criticize you or not. Bad things may happen to your loved ones. The weather, gas prices, global politics — none of it is up to you.

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But you do have control over the most important aspect of your life: yourself.

Here are ideas to ease your anxiety by taking control of your reactions, your thoughts and emotions, things you say, how you respond to people and their behaviour.

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Let Go.

The more you worry, the more unhappy you become. Worrying means you are attached to a certain outcome and this attachment causes your misery.

The more you let go, the more power you have. Detachment means you don’t allow external things to enslave you emotionally. Letting go gives you health, freedom, and peace of mind.

Worrying is nothing more than trying to convince yourself you are in command. It gives you the illusion of control but doesn’t put you in the driver’s seat. Some things you cannot influence, no matter how much you worry about them.

Letting go means being okay with where you are.

Letting go equals trust.

When you embody the state of trust, the Universe rewards you. It gives you exactly what you need and what you can handle at the moment.

True surrender is an unwavering faith that whatever you choose will always be the best option. You know that you’re always exactly where you’re supposed to be.

Letting go of thoughts and beliefs that weigh you down is not a luxurious type of therapy. It is a necessity.

Let go of the narrative that something is impossible.

Everything is possible.

Everything can happen. It is your choice whether you feed your mind with possibilities or limitations. Since you find it so easy to believe in negative scenarios, you are as much capable of setting your mind to positivity.

Your choices make up who you are. What you consume with your mind, you create in your life. Whatever you choose to focus on, you will invite more into your life.

If you constantly think about what can go wrong, of course, you will subconsciously create obstacles on your way to success.
If you discipline your mind to look for the silver lining, you will create more chances and possibilities.
Your constant worry about HOW something or someone can come into your life fuels your anxiety and prevents your goals from becoming a reality.

When you worry, there is no peace.

When you worry, there is no room for action or creativity.

You literally cannot breathe when you worry. And to live you need to take full breaths.

Which brings me to my next point:


When you’re anxious, one of the best things you can do is to slow down and focus on your breath.

Deep and conscious breathing sends a signal to your brain to relax. It carries the message, ‘There is no danger.’

Our culture is saturated with stimulation, to-do lists, and projects that constantly fight for our attention. When your nervous system is out of balance, you are susceptible to stress and negative thoughts. The loop continues.

Breath gives you space to take in less and give out more.

Many times, we do not realize how certain events affect us. But breathing is always a genuine representation of our emotional state.

When you are anxious, you breathe more rapidly. When you are afraid, your breath becomes shallow. And if you take control of your breathing, your emotions will follow.

Here are the styles that work for me:

Square Breathing.

You may want to start with a count of 4. Breathe in for 4, hold for 4, breathe out for 4, and hold for 4. If a shorter or longer count feels better, do that.

Longer Exhale.

This is a helpful way to breathe when you are laying in bed and easing yourself towards sleep… or if you’re about to have a difficult conversation with someone.

Make your exhale up to twice as long as your inhale. Breathe in for 4 and out for 8.

When your exhalation is longer than your inhale, the vagus nerve (running from the neck down through the diaphragm) brings your body to a state of calm by slowing down your heart rate and reducing the release of cortisol.

With deep breathing, you let your body know it is safe.

Build habits that calm you down.

Our habits make up our lives. They either build you up or sabotage your progress. Make sure you choose what serves you best.

Exercise daily.

It is an instant mood-lifter.

Exercise helps stimulate the release of feel-good brain chemicals. It boosts your confidence and takes your mind away from worrying and overthinking. Plus, it is good for your physical well-being.

The hardest part is to start. Once you motivate yourself to get on the mat or in the gym, you have already succeeded.


Anxiety originates from your thoughts.

To calm down your body, start by calming down your racing thoughts. Focus on your breathing and notice your surroundings.

Even just 5 to 15 minutes a day can help you realize that you are not your thoughts and that you have power over where you focus your attention. Catch yourself when you obsess over “what if” scenarios and redirect your focus to the present moment.

Practice gratitude.

Gratitude can do wonders for your mental health. Plus, it is a great tool for manifesting. Gratitude changes your energy. And how you feel, you attract.

The habit of gratitude wipes out the comparison from your life.

When you choose to be grateful, you switch your perspective from lack to feeling abundant. The more you focus on little things you can give thanks for, you will notice the more positive aspects of your life.

Go a step further. Celebrate every difficulty that comes your way. There’s nothing more powerful that will arm you to fearlessly face the world than giving thanks for challenges in your life.


It is a great outlet for negative thoughts, emotions, and fears. Getting things out on paper will help to get them out of your head.

Journaling helps us identify unhealthy and toxic habits. Writing down your fears helps you to trace patterns that make you spiral into negative thinking and makes you aware of your beliefs and thoughts that do not serve you.

You become your therapist when you pour your heart out onto the page.

Make sleep your priority.

Not getting enough sleep hijacks your nervous system and increases anxiety. Going to bed at the same time each night and avoiding electronics in the evening will help to manage worrisome thoughts.

Set an attractive evening routine. Have warm tea or water before you go to sleep. Take your magnesium. Read a relaxing book. Meditate in bed to the sounds of ocean waves or crickets in the forest.

Unwind, knowing that you are safe. Your next day starts with how you ended the one before.

Ditch social media.

Scrolling through your phone and comparing your “now” to somebody else’s staged life is a massive anxiety trigger. Instead of focusing on others, pay attention to your needs.

Delete social media icons from your home screen to make them less accessible.

Don’t be at the mercy of your phone. Use it as a tool, but don’t allow it to run your life.

Get outside.

Nature works wonders for your mental health. Stepping outdoors can help fight back anxious thoughts and give you a serotonin boost.

The regular practice of forest baths has the power to counter illnesses, including cancer, strokes, gastric ulcers, depression, anxiety, and stress. It boosts the immune system, lowers blood pressure and aids sleep.

Even getting outside for just a few minutes a day will make a difference.

Write down your worries.

Usually, we are not aware of what causes our anxiety. We got so used to worrying that we do it automatically. We wake up and start thinking about things could go awry.

It is hard to break the habit we are unconscious of.

When you write down your worries, I assure you that 90% of your concerns will sound ridiculous. Laughing is the best way to break the spiral of negative thoughts.

Most things we worry about never come true. Our minds tend to create problems out of nothing. Worrying keeps you stuck. When you worry, you sabotage your growth.

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Laughing is the best way to break the spiral of negative thoughts.

Worrying is a mental prison. It keeps you from being free and living life to your fullest potential. The funny thing is that you have the key to break out of the prison of your making.

What is your worst-case scenario?

What are you afraid of? Success?

What do you believe about success? Is it difficult? Does it come with jealousy from others?

Take a closer look at your beliefs. They run your life.

Think about hard times as gifts.

You are meant to evolve. You want to grow.

And growth happens thanks to challenges.

Hardships will always make you stronger. Past difficulties made you the person you are today.

When facing down challenges, we experience discomfort and pain. It’s hard to think beyond that. But once we overcome those challenges, we should appreciate the lessons we got.

You cannot get good at life by avoiding obstacles. Not trying will get you nowhere in life. You have to start, stumble, fail and start over again.

The only failure is not trying.

— Robin S. Sharma

Contributed by Katarzyna Portka

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