🌻17 Realizations That Will Increase Your Chances At Success


Nothing Comes Randomly. Everything has a ‘Cause-and-Effect’ relationship to it. Find the Cause to the Effect you desire and you will create your own future.

The Small Things Matter Most. Progress, over a long period of time, is not dictated by the few, big things you do, but by the small things done daily and consistently.


It’s Okay To Feel Scared. Courage is, in most cases, the limiting resource to achieving ones dreams. That being said, if one allows themselves to feel scared and do the required things anyway, it will break almost all limitations.

The Goal Should Be A Reminder. It should not be a constant threat looming over life, but rather something one takes a frequent glance at.

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Focusing the energy on the task at hand and making sure one celebrates every little bit of progress can only be done when one is not constantly focused on the bigger goal.

There Is A Great Power In Intention. Every situation changes entirely based on the Intention one has for that situation. Make use of that wisely.

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Wheels Are Already Invented. There are people out there that already know >90% of any path. Learn from those people and copy their path as best as possible so that you do not have to use energy on things that you could have solved far easier.

The Truth Is Always Simple. Either you are doing what you need to be or you’re not. Either you have the life you want or not. Either you are progressing towards your dreams or not. Everything that comes afterwards is an unneeded explanation and just devalues the truth.

It’s Not Supposed To Be Easy. Life is hard. Ambitious dreams are difficult to attain. Anything worth fighting for needs to be fought for. Some days will suck and some days will be hard, and as long as you resist that in the attempts to make everything easy you will never truly rise above what you are capable of.

Everything Is Connected. How healthy you eat affects your energy. Your energy levels affect the amount of concentration you can bring forth. The concentration you bring forth helps with working harder. Working harder creates more positive reinforcement. That positive reinforcement raises your self-worth. And your self-worth pushes you to do more for yourself. Every little thing you do affects everything else, and will either drag your life down or raise it up. Whether you rise or fall then depends on how many things are pulling in either direction.

The Past Does Not Matter. Anything that leads you to more success than you have now is created now. Regardless of where you were or what you’ve done, you can reach success from anywhere. Let go of the anchor from the past.

Success Changes. The ones that are most successful are those that have defined what success means to them on a personal level. Your version of success will be unique to you.

Every Person Of Success Is Comfortable With Who They Are. It’s easy to see if they are not comfortable with who they are, and it will feel like they are a lot less happy and successful. The ones that we truly look up to in terms of success are those with nothing to hide.

It’s All About Value. It’s never about the money.
Emotion Sells. This is true for any service or product you may sell, as well as any course of action you are trying to sell to yourself.

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You Already Know What You Need To Do. If I were to give you a million dollars right now to tell me what it was that would change your life to a life of success you could definitely answer that. It may not be the perfect answer, but it will be good enough to start. Meaning that it’s not the knowledge that’s missing, but the action.

The Journey Is More Important Than The Goal. The goal will never be grand enough to justify the amount of work required. If you don’t love what you do while you do it, you will not consider yourself successful regardless of how far you reach.

Just Do It. Ignore the reasons, explanations and justifications. You know what to do. Do it.

Contributed by Lukas Schwekendiek

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