đŸŒ»3 Daily Productivity Habits To Instantly Double Your Output(MUST READ)


The most effective people aren’t productive by accident; it’s the result of their habits.

Do Important Work Early In The A@Day

As Brian Tracy wrote in his bestselling book Eat That Frog, “The best way to start the day is to tackle your most challenging, most important task first thing in the morning.”


For most people, the morning is the most productive time of the day. That’s when energy levels and willpower tend to be at their peak.

Furthermore, people’s cognitive abilities (such as memory, focus, and problem-solving capabilities), are usually at their best in the morning.

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In other words, the morning is the perfect time to work on your most important, most challenging tasks.

These tasks require you to be at your best, so it makes sense to perform them during those hours when you’re at your best.

Besides, the way you start the day sets the tone for the rest of the day. As Brian Tracy wrote, “The first hour of the workday is the rudder that steers the rest of the day.”

When your most important tasks are done, you might feel a sense of accomplishment, a boost in confidence, and an increase in motivation throughout the rest of the day, which further increases your productivity.

Become An ‘Essentialist’

In ‘Essentialism’, author Greg McKeown argues that the pursuit of doing everything and being everything to everyone leads to a life of mediocrity and exhaustion.

You’ll either be spread too thin, burn out, or live a life that’s not according to your truths and values.

That’s why Greg McKeown recommends the philosophy of Essentialism:

Clarify what’s truly important in your life and eliminate the rest.

By eliminating the non-essential tasks, activities, and commitments in our lives, we free up more time and energy to focus on what truly matters to us.

As Greg McKeown says, “The way of the Essentialist means living by design, not by default.”

The more you start living your life in alignment with your ‘essentials’, the more fulfilled and effective you’ll be.

Read also: 17 habits that improve my mental health ( must read)

If you want to live a more ‘essentialist’ life, follow these three methods.

1: Clarify Your Priorities

Clarity about what matters most provides clarity about what matters less. Write down which goals are truly important to you and what you value most in life.

The clearer you’ve identified your priorities, the more you can direct your time and energy toward them.

And as McKeown said in Essentialism, “The ability to selectively invest our time and energy in the few things that matter most is the highest form of effectiveness.”

2: Prioritize Your Priorities

It’s not enough to just know what your priorities are, you’ll also have to actively prioritize your priorities.

“If you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will.” — Greg McKeown

The best way to become more intentional with your priorities is to plan each day in detail and schedule enough time for your most important tasks and activities.

Read also: The true way to improve yourself (must read)

3: Learn To Say No

You need to learn to say no to requests and demands if they don’t match with your goals or core values.

By saying no to the things that don’t fit with our priorities, we create space for the things that are truly important to us.

Prioritize Your Sleep

Many people think they need to sacrifice their sleep if they want to live a more productive life. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

In fact, a good night’s sleep is the foundation of a highly productive day.

As Matthew Walker (author of Why We Sleep) says:

“Getting a good night’s sleep can improve cognitive performance, creativity, and overall productivity.”

Sleep helps our bodies repair and regenerate, plays a vital role in learning and memory consolidation, and helps us perform at our best.

But unfortunately, about 35% of the population doesn’t get the recommended 7–9 hours of sleep per night.

Lack of sleep has been linked to a number of problems, such as:

Increased chance of obesity, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease
Increased risk of depression, stress, and anxiety
Decrease in overall happiness
Decrease in cognitive performance
In other words, you need to make your sleep a priority if you want to live an optimal, productive, and healthy life.

To make sure you get enough sleep, follow these six sleep optimization hacks:

Create a bedtime routine to wind down and get ready for sleep
Avoid screens one hour before bed as the blue light emitted by screens interferes with melatonin production — an essential sleep hormone
Follow a consistent sleep schedule to regulate your body’s internal clock (and optimizes melatonin production)
Create a sleep-friendly environment that’s dark, cool, and quiet
Limit caffeine and sugar consumption (especially in the hours leading up to bedtime)
Exercise regularly (but not right before you go to bed, because your body temperature will be too high)
All in all, one of the most effective things to improve your productivity is to improve your sleep.

As Matthew Walker says, “The importance of sleep cannot be overstated. It is the foundation of a healthy mind and body, and it is the most important factor in determining your quality of life and longevity.”

Contributed by Jari Roomer

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