🌻5 Books That Changed My Life(Must Read)


Way of The Peaceful Warrior —

by Dan Millman.

You might have seen the movie to this book already, but if you haven’t then I highly recommend you get your hands on both. Way of The Peaceful Warrior describes Dan Millman’s early life meeting a very interesting man he came to know as Socrates.
The main part of why this book is so important is because of the lessons it describes at every twist and turn. The revelations Dan Millman explains throughout the book are clear and easy to understand and something you will carry with you for a long time. I have come to revisit both the movie and the book over and over again, and have found new perspectives, mindset shifts and life lessons every time.


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The New Psychocybernetics —

by Maxwell Maltz.

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Maxwell Maltz describes a way to improve yourself and your life that is not described in most books. Instead of taking to actions that then result in internal changes, Maxwell Maltz describes his experiences doing the exact opposite.
In The New Psychocybernetics you learn how to adjust your self-image so that your actions change accordingly. Instead of struggling to become someone you’re not, you make sure that you believe you are that person first and then your mind will do the rest. How you view yourself determines how you act, and from there, what life you build.

Think and Grow Rich —

by Napoleon Hill.

This book is a must-read if you are interested in improving yourself at all or achieving success. Napoleon Hill has researched hundreds of the most successful people of his time and written down the 13 most important commonalities between them.
With this book you will not only learn how to plan your life effectively but also how to achieve everything you set out to do. You learn how the richest and most successful people of the planet have done it and all you need to do is copy them in those aspects to reach your own success!

Mastery —

by Robert Greene.

A lot of us go through life thinking that talent, genetics and luck determine how far we can go in a certain field and whether or not we can achieve true mastery in that field. Robert Greene, however, debunks all these and shows the actual steps you can take to reach a true level of mastery in your field that works without any talent, genetics or luck.
With that level of Mastery at hand you will get paid to do what you have loved to do all along. This book is a definite must read for everyone who is not satisfied with being average, for those who want more from themselves, or those trying to find their next step.

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Learned Optimism —

by Martin P. Seligman.

Martin Seligman is a psychologist who started his 25 years of research by looking at what makes people bounce back from failures. This research took him from research on Depression, to Pessimism, over “learned helplessness”, then to Optimism as a whole, and, eventually to “learned optimism”.

With more Depressions and Anxiety disorders on the rise than ever before it is important we learn ways to deal with our sadness and our learned helplessness. Martin Seligman does not idolize Optimism, instead he shares how to use it effectively while also allowing room for Pessimism and negativity. He explains everything in a very scientific approach and shares step-by-step processes of how you can change your mindset. Optimism may not be always the best choice, but if you can learn to be realistically optimistic, why wouldn’t you?!

CONTRIBUTED BY Lukas Schwekendiek

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