🌻5 Books You Must Read Before You Die(GET THEM AND READ)


For the past seven-eight or even more years I literally read hundreds of books about all sorts of things. Starting from how to make money, how to negotiate, and a lot of other things. I think everything that I have read can be beautifully summarized in these five books.

Because these books are not simply delivering information. But rather they are giving you a practical guide on how to apply them in real life. you can apply the lessons right after reading the book. In fact, if you don’t read these books, you will literally suffer a lot in your life. You will waste a lot of your time on things that you could easily avoid.


I think I have given you enough introduction so far so let’s just start with the first one,

Read also: Habits to make you richer (must read)

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48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

This is one of the books that had a pretty big impact on my life. I know that a lot of people view this book negatively. In fact, some people even see this book as pure evil. But like it or not this is the best book that’s ever written on social intelligence.

This book will teach you everything you need to know about how to deal with people, how to make them like you, respect you, work for you, and admire you, make people do what you want.

A lot of people might say don’t you think that business books are more important. No, because business is simple, get a product and sell. This book is going to teach you how to do that, how to persuade people, how to negotiate, and every other thing that you need to know. So, the lessons that are taught in this book aren’t only about business. But pretty much everything else that’s about dealing with people.

The second book is by far the most influential group in my life — Rich Dad Poor Dad

This book completely changed my understanding of money and wealth. I was always interesting that money is like master fuel. But it wasn’t clear to me how to achieve that. It was pretty much more like a dream until I like my hands on this book.

Because it helped me to think about the practical plan on how I can achieve that. this book isn’t going to tell you to do this, and you will make a lot of money. But it’s more about changing your mindset. Your understanding of money, job, business, and this kind of stuff. I’m sure that a lot of you will say that please don’t tell me about the mindset, I want direct action, I’m tired of these useless mindset books.

But like it or not I’m talking from my personal experience. The moment will change your views about the money you start seeing things differently, and you will never want to get a job after that. Because you will find a way to become financially free. So, you can’t simply go through the idea of this book, you have to leave a couple of times. Maybe understand them properly. Because like it or not money is one of the most important things in our life. So, if you’re serious about achieving financial freedom you must read this book.

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The third book on the list is Mastery by Robert Greene

This book is unique of its kind. It will confuse your life. If you don’t know what to do with your life and are simply not motivated, then this is the book you have to read.

It will teach you how to find your passion and how to master your passion. At the end of the day, we all must master something to achieve some level of success. What happens usually is that your passion about something, you start doing that and you don’t see any results. Then you start losing motivation. This book is going to tell you why and how to avoid that. In fact, if there is one book you will read out of this list then beat this one.

These three books will help you to achieve the kind of success that you usually think about. it’s more about money fame and this kind of stuff. But there is a different kind of success. Internal satisfaction. Which is way much more important than materialistic success.

Look what’s the absolute goal of life? Why do you want to make a lot of money? Why do you want to achieve mastery? Why do you want to have great relationships? What is the final goal?


As long as you’re happy, as long as you feel happy, you’re successful. That’s all that you want out of life.

You can be happy without the money and everything else. In fact, you can have all the money but still not feel happy. For some people, it just might not make sense at all, and that’s why I want to suggest two books that will explain to you why. So, these are more spiritual kinds of books. which I think are far more important than the first three books I just told you about.

The first one is On the Shortness of Life by Seneca

It’s going to change your perspective about life completely. After reading this book, we will start appreciating every single small little thing in our life. Such as the fact that you breathe. Did you even know that you breathe? Although that is just a small thing that you don’t pay attention to, and we simply cannot live without it. When you read this book, you will learn how to achieve self-actualization and self-awareness. You will value your time and your life much more.

Read also: The path to becoming a millionaire ( must read)

The second one is Mindfulness for Beginners

It’s basically about stoicism and it’s a very short and practical book simply written and beautifully summarised. There are many other books that I wanted to include in this list such as the 50th law, The seven Habits, The power of habit, and many more. but these five books are much more important and valuable than any other books.

You must read this book even if you hate reading.

Now it’s your turn to tell me what’s your favorite book which one do you think is the most important on this list let me know…..

CONTRIBUTED BY Fundora Analytics

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