đŸŒ»The ROUTINE that makes me PRODUCTIVE, SUCCESSFUL & HAPPY (time to glow up)


There are so many types of routines and tricks to stick to a fresh routine that you learned from an aesthetic video. However, just after a few weeks (days in my case), we fall back to our normal life cursing ourselves for not being able to stay consistent.

But wait! Why is it that you are not able to follow a routine that made you believe- life can be a fairytale if only you keep following this new cute routine?


The reason I believe is simple – not all days are similar. You cannot feel over-enthusiastic just when your alarm rings in your ears, not all days are going to be your best days, and not all days you would want to follow a routine because you are on a mission to change your life.

Some days you just want to stay a little longer on your bed to take a breath, feel the warmth of your cozy blanket, listen to your heart, be lazy or maybe just think about someone you shared the same bed with. That’s what I believe being a human means.

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I tried a lot! After watching some new routine on a random video of a random person, I somehow developed a mindset that I have to get up early every day to challenge life. But I failed miserably. I couldn’t just stick to any one routine for a prolonged period of time. WHY?

Because as I said, not every day is going to same. Some days you want to get up before your alarm rings while the other days, you just want to keep lying on your bed as if you are cuddling with your blanket (single people?)

After understanding the simple philosophy, I broke the cycle of adopting any particular routine suggested by someone else and rather started listening to my own body to guide me. Because, the bottom line is, everyone is different, hence, what is working for them may not work for me. Besides, I really don’t want to build my life based on someone else’s routine just because it looks aesthetic and cute.

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So, here are some simple yet practical aspects of building a routine that helped me to stay productive, and happy. Before you judge yourself on the basis of someone else’s routine, take a look at what a successful routine looks like:

1. Design Your Life; Define Your Priorities:

You cannot be everything in just one day. You cannot go to the gym, deep work for 6 hours, go for a walk, read books, learn a new language, and cook yourself a perfectly healthy meal every day while still having time to just sit with yourself. Life doesn’t work that way. However, you are made to believe that you can be a machine while romanticizing life.

It’s the time when you design your life and define what are your priorities. Take out a piece of paper, sit down in a quiet place and write down ONE GOAL in ONE AREA of your life that you actually care about not because everyone is doing it.

For example, I was trying to get up early and hit the gym just because every ‘that girl’ seems to do that on social media. But I realized later on that neither I like waking up early nor I like hitting the gym. So? I quit on both of them. But does that mean, I wouldn’t focus on my physical health? Sure, I will but in ways I want. Instead of gyming, I dance now to move my body.

Here is an example of my priority list:

Now, it is your turn to define what matters most to you without any influence. Design your life using your brain. Set priority in one area of your life, what’s something that you want to achieve. Just as you can see in the image, my priority above all is to write my own book and stay fit. Other things matter too but not more than this.

The point is when you know what matters to you, you wouldn’t get manipulated by what others are doing. Hence, focusing on your own life will get easier.

2. Set Goals; Create an Action Plan:

After deciding which areas of your life need more attention, it’s time to set goals in those areas.

For example; My priorities areas were my professional life and health. In such a case, my daily goals would be to move my body every day and write every day.

Similarly, after deciding what matters most to you, you have to take a second to SET ONE GOAL IN EACH PRIORITY AREA OF YOUR LIFE. One goal that can create a bigger impact in your life.

Since I have decided to write my own book. I write at least one page every day of my book. I have my client’s work, medium articles, and some other side hustle ideas that I am working on. But no matter what happens, at least one page a day for my own book is my priority at this time.

Now, tell me, if I were blindly following some cute routine or habits, how would I have gotten to know what matters to me and how I would have been moving ahead to achieve my goals?

That’s why I urge you to take some time, decide what are your priority areas and set goals under them, actionable steps you can take every day. That’s how you design the life that you want to live.

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3. Be Flexible:

One of the reasons why people don’t follow routines is because ‘routines put you in a box forcing you to behave in a certain manner every day’

And as humans don’t like to follow rules, we tend to break the routines that we were so excited to follow. For this reason, I am now more flexible with myself. I know what I am supposed to do but I don’t set a particular timeline for any of the tasks.

For example, My goal is to move my body but how I do it is on me not on what is cool and famous. I sometimes prefer to dance and do yoga while other times, I just wake up early and go cycling for 10-12 km. That’s how I want to work.

Another example would be, my goal to publish one article once every two on Medium but I write the article whenever I feel like it. For now, I am writing this article at 12 AM but a few days ago, I was writing the article at 8 PM. That’s how I like to work and be flexible with my life.

Sometimes, I like to wake up early for going for a walk or cycle but the other days, I don’t prefer to jump out of my bed as if I am machine ready to work whenever someone turns the button on. I prefer to listen to my body. When my body needs some more rest, I just stay in bed.

Similarly, you have to be flexible with your routine and ask yourself when you work best. For example; I prefer to write my book during the evening as that’s the time, I feel a little disconnected from the world. So, I know I can produce my best work at that time. Similarly, I hate working during afternoons (generally feel sleepy) so I try to dance or do Yoga at that time.

The bottom line is, you have to notice when you work best. After setting your goals, you need to analyze which task should be done and when. That’s how you create a routine that keeps you happy and free.

Read also: 5 small decisions that will improve your life on autopilot (so,so powerful)


I hope you design your life to your liking. This was my idea of living a customized life that is dedicated to my goals yet sets me free and happy. But this blog is going to be of no use to you if you just read it and feel good. It’s about taking out time and actually designing your life on paper. Either create a mental movie in your mind about how you want to live or just keep falling for the new cute routines you see online.


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